Games to Real Life-Nogla

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Soulmates. These are the people who will be with you forever.

I never found mine. Still looking haha. I was currently playing Gta5 when I notice a few people.

Famous Youtubers. I see a girl Angel Model. Green sweater, bandana, Blue eyes, and Blonde hair also known as Madly Angel $arah.

The next one was Ohmwrecker. Vanoss gaming. Lui calibre. MkayGaming. H2O Delirious. And my favorite...DaithiDeNogla.

I stood when I was killed. I looked to see who killed me. It was XxCookie or Alana.

She seemed to he in a party with everyone else. I respawned and shot everyone but Nogla. I might have put a C4 on his back....

"The fock?" Another voice said aka Terroriser. He looked at me and didn't seen to say anything. "Nogla!" He screamed.

Nogla turned to him and I blew him up. "For Focks Sake!" He screamed as I laughed harder than ever.

I soon got an invite to a private part from Terroriser. I joined. "Why did ye kil me?" Nogla asked me.

I chuckled. "Because...its funny" I said. I see someone else join. "What did I miss?" She asked. "Oh. This girl called Y/G/T killed Nogla" Terroriser said. She laughed.

"I'm staying on even though I have to meet up with Deli-" She stopped herself. "Fuck..." I heard Delirious growl. "Okay. Her name Is Mackenzy War!" Delirious screamed. "He's Jonathon Denis!" Mackenzy screamed.

"They already knew that" Delirious said and snickered. Mackenzy gasped and snickered. I heard a ding. "Who is..." Nogla asked trailing off. "Delirious be cute" Mackenzy said.

"Love you Deli!" Mackenzy said. I heard Ohm Growl. "I love all 4 of my boyfriends" She said. "Wait you have 4?" I asked her. "Yeah Joanthon, Ryan, Luke, and Bryce. They all liked me so we agreed that they all could date me" She explained.

"Fox I'm coming over" Ohm said. "Yay! Ryan we get to meet in person for once! And you can see my face!" Mackenzy said happily. "Yep I'm gonna have to go" Ohm said. "I'm going to and I'm bringing the other two" Delirious said. "Delirious if you fuck my sister I'm going to kill you..." Wildcat says.

"No promises..." He said and Wildcat Growled. "Don't..." he said. "Ty...I'm 2 years younger than you" Mackenzy said. "Well I'm still older!" "shut the fuck up Faggo-"

I ended up leaving that chat after that was said. I ended up going to an arcade recommended by my friend who's name is Ironically Mackenzy as well.

I met up with her at the arcade. "Hey Kenzie!" I said and waved her over. "Hey Y/N! Is it okay that I invited my friend David?" She asked me. "Yeah tottaly fine" I said and smiled at her.

We entered and she gasped. "Y/N...They have a Mario tournament! Can I join?" She asked me. "In not stopping you" I said and chuckled.

I started to walk around to find a game to play. I looked back and see that Kenzie took her Glasses and Sweater off. Shit just got real.

I chuckled as they all raged in the Mario games. I walked around and bump into a man. "Oh I'm sorry...are ye okay?" I heard the voice ask. I looked up and see Nogla. "Okay this is weird..." I mumbled.

"Why you a fan?" He asked me. "Well yes but...Earlier I kinda killed you" I said and chuckled.

"Y/G/T?" He asked. I nodded and smiled at him.

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