The end-Wildcat

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|Y/N Pov|

Me and Tyler where fighting. I walked out of the house. He tried following me but I started running and I was faster than him.

I went to my favorite river. I sat by the edge. "One day...I hope this Will be the end..." I said.

I stood up and walked to my house. I packed alot of stuff and got into my car. I needed some time to think. I started driving to Boston.

This car ride would be long but as long as I'm not with Tyler I'm okay. I had a plan already.

I would be active on anything for a few days then come back. This was a routine. I drove to the Hotel and put my stuff inside my room.

It was night now so I went to sleep.


I woke up getting my boat ticket. I walked to the Dock giving the man my ticket. It was a cool boat. I looked over the edge as it started. We made it to the middle and We were ready to go back.

I looked over the edge feeling a strong person push me over it. I gasped for air hitting the water.

I tried swimming to the surface but it was no use. I wouldn't have anything to save me.

I felt myself getting dizzy. I was deep in the ocean. I lost my breath gasping for air.

I closed my eyes dying.

|Tyler Pov|

Y/N should've been back by now...She always comes back its been two weeks and I was staying in Boston.

There was alot of commotion at the Dock. I walked through seeing them pull out a body from the Ocean.

There she was...Dead. "Y/N!" I screamed running towards them but a cop pushing me back.
"T-Thats my girlfriend!" I screamed. "Did she have any reason to jump off?" The police man asked me.

I shook my head. We fought but she loved life. "N-No! She loved life!" I said. "She could've been pushed" The police holding her said.

I started crying. "Don't worry..." The police started putting a hand on my shoulder. "We will bring the person who did this to justice" He said. I nodded and started walking away.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now