Failed parts! Part 2

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|Warning Cringe ahead!|

             |Smii7Y Pov|

Y/N hasn't been here is so long..I guess she already forgot about me. I can't believe just because Nessa and Evan hate each other me and Y/N can't talk.

I see Ohm secretly sneak out. It was suspicious. I followed him hiding in between.

I see it. Him and Fox talking. I can't talk to Y/N but he can talk to Fox? I went to the top of the Foxy gang roof.

I hit there and silently got to Y/N. She was watching...One of my videos? I grabbed her and put my hand around her mouth.

"Stay quiet babe" I said and she nodded. We walked out and made it to another roof.

"Y/N...Ohm and Fox broke the rule...They were talking" I told her. She nodded "We need to tell Evan and Nessa..." She said.

We got off.

We made it back and Fox is in our gang house. "Why is she here?" I asked Tyler.

"She wants to join. She's a sharp shooter, is great with a knife, Has great hearing and can notice slight things" Tyler said.

"Can Y/N join?" I asked him. "Ask Evan" Tyler said. I pulled Y/N with me. "Sir...?" I asked. "What?" "Can Y/N Join?" I asked him as
Y/N entered.

"Sure" Evan said.

|This was the original Gang love. It was just ending with a Yes and I wanted the reader to find out that their mother was a part of the gang being related to Fox, Tyler, and Delirious.|

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now