Cheater-Wildcat X Reader X Terroriser

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I've been dating my boyfriend Tyler or Wildcat for a few years now. He's the best thing ever. I got stuck at the office because Angel still didn't have a video.

'Hey Ty I'm gonna get home later' I texted him it. A few seconds later I get a text back. 'Okay Love you babe<3' I smiled at this.

These late night recording sessions took at least 3 hours but this one only took 2 hours because Angel had set everything up before.

"Hey Y/N...You know Tyler...He, He...Look" Sarah pulled out her phone and showed me messages of her and Tyler.

Tyler Sarah

You know I think me and Kelly would be a good couple

                              What about Y/N?

What she doesn't know won't hurt her will it?

                  I can't talk to you right now

"I can send you these so you can use it against him if you'd like..." She said. "I'm going to need alot more than text messages of proof to leave Tyler" I told her and walked to my car.

I drove my car home and started thinking about the texts. 'That can't be true...Can it?' I asked myself. I shook the thought off as I got home. I grabbed my key and opened the door only to be greeted by moans coming from my and Tyler's room.

"Kelly your so good~" I heard Tyler say. "I love you Kelly~" Tylee said. I was about to Cry. I ran out and Drove to Brian's house.

I knocked on his door. I was already crying. He opened it and frowned once he saw me crying. "What happened?" He asked concerned and pulled me inside.

"T-Tyler...Is cheating on me with Kelly...." I said Crying. He pulled me into a hug. "It'll be okay..." He said and hugged me. I looked up at him and blushed at how close our faces were. "Y/N...I will never leave your side....I love you" He said.

I soon feel a soft pair of lips on mine. I kissed back and smiled. "I guess the right guy was here....Can I stay here for a few days?" I asked him. "Yeah of course babe" He said. I pulled him into another kiss.

                     Brian's pov

Y/N was sleeping in my bed and I slept on the couch. It was currently 11:00 Pm and My phone Starts vibrating. I Unlock my phone and see that the caller ID is Tyler.

"Hello" I angrily said. "Have you seen Y/N? She was supposed to be home a while ago and I'm worried" He said. "You must have been to busy fucking Kelly to notice that she went home..." I said.

"I'm coming over to get my baby" He said and hung up. I went to my room and woke Y/N up. "Tyler's coming over...." I said. She got up and went downstairs as did I.

We sat on the couch talking when we heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it. Tyler barged in and Hugged Y/N but she pulled away. "What the hell?" Tyler asked her once she went behind me.

"Y/N you need to chose Me or Brian" Tyler told her. She looked at him and then at me. She smiled when she looked at me. "Tyler....Leave" Tyler frowned and punched me in the face before walking out.

My nose was bleadimg. "Shit..." Y/N said getting the first aid kit and cleaning up the blood. Once she finished she looked me in the eye and pulled me into a kiss.

I kissed back and we both pull back. "I'm so happy I have someone who really cares about me" She said and hugged me.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now