Yandere/Bryce McQuaid

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Requested by Daddy herself Unknown_Potato25 I should have made it Fidget McQuaid... ͡° ͜  ͡°

|Bryce Pov|

I stood from afar watching her beautiful H/C swinging as she walked into the school building.

I blushed. "Hey Bryce, what are you doing?" My best friend Ohm asked. I jumped as I fell back on the tree.

"Your a dick" "I'm your dick" "Your gay" I told him getting up and rubbing my back. "Yeah I'm super gay having a girlfriend called Ken" My eyes widen.

"From the way you discribed Ken I swore she was a guy" I said.

"You wanna meet her?" He asked me. I nodded she dragged me into the school. He looked around eyes landing on a small group having Mackenzie, Kayle, Sam and...Y/N.

"Ken!" Ohm said wrapping his arms around the pink haired female. "Ohm let go!" Mackenzie was one of the shortest but a big tomboy and could beat the crap out of anyone.

I felt eyes on me and turned to
Y/N who turned away blushing. I smirked.

"Anyways...Did you guys hear about Alex? He's dating that girl...May?" Kayle said as Mackenzie froze. "What?" She asked. "Hes dating...May-" Ken walked over to The brown haired male and started talking to him.

She caught the eye of May. "If you hurt him I will beat the Shit out of you." That sent a shiver down my spine. And with that Ken was back with us.

I saw a guy aka, Matthew Fox, staring at Y/N. I growled and glared at him. He smirked walking over to us. "Hey Y/N" Matthew said. I kept my glare on him.

"Hey Matt!" Y/N said smiling.

"Wanna hang out later?" Matthew asked her smirking at me. "Sure!" Y/N said a smile plastered on her face.


I followed Matthew to the guys bathroom. He noticed me and turned to face. It was the end of the school day.

"Bryce? What are you-" He noticed the Hatchet in my hand. "You shouldn't have asked Y/N to hang...So lets Hang out" I said knowing my baby Blue eyes turned a dark blue.

I hit him with the hatchet in the stomach. He coughed off blood as I hit him a few more times. "Your insane..." Where the last words he said.

I got blood on my shirt and shoes so I changed. I washed the hatchet putting it in my bag and leaving the bathroom.

I put my glasses on and walked out of the bathroom meeting up with Ohm, Mackenzie, and Y/N.

"Sorry that took so long" I had told them I had to chnage because I had a spill on my shirt. Which wasn't a lie since Ohm spilled his Drink on me.

"Hold on lets wait for Matt...Bryce did you see him in the bathroom?" Y/N asked me. I shook my head. "I can check for him...but to make it not so weird I'm taking Ohm."

I grabbed Ohms arm as we went to the bathroom. Ohm stared in horror as I faked my surprise. "W-We should go..." I said fake scared. He nodded. "Y-Yeah...it's not safe h-here" Ohm said as we ran out of the school. We explained to the girls.

"Wait...Ken You were gone!" Y/N pointed out. "Look I know I act insane and might hurt people, But I would never kill someone!" Ken said. Poor girl...

"S-Stay away from me!" Y/N said hiding behind me. I smirked and Ken caught it. She glared at me. "Y/N I made a promise to god, that I would never kill anyone and if I broke that I would die."

Y/N realsied she was right. "I remmeber that. Your not leaving my side." "No! People already think I'm a lesbian for dating Ohm!"

Ohm looked at her in confusion. "What?" "Its your feminine voice...But not your body~" Ken said. Ohm blushed.

"So...how is Ohm's body?" I asked. Ohm looked at me with a you fucking gay? Look.

"Its a nice ass body...See" She pulled Ohm's shirt up and showed his six pack. He wasn't the most built but he apparently has a nice body.

"Wait...you've seen his whole body?" I asked her she noddded. "Wait...WAIT!" She said realising that since she said yes that means shes seen his dick.

"NO I HAVEN'T SEEN HIS WHOLE BODY DIRTY BOY!" She said blushing. "Anyways this is my street. Bye guys" Me and Y/N said at the same time walking down the same street.

"What house are you?" I asked the beautiful S/C girl.

"(Your house number)" She responded. "I'm your neighbor then!" I said. I was right next to her house.

"Oh cool! Hey we should hang out sometimes. You seem cool." Y/N said as we made it to our houses. I waved bye and I made it to my house. She wants to hang out...Wow.


|Y/N Pov|

"You getting ass tonight!" Alyssa said. "Shut up!" I screamed shrinking in my chair.

"Come on...He has a nice ass" Alyssa said. I glared at her. "Back off he's mine!" I told her. She stepped back. "Alright. But are you gonna tell him you know he killed Matt?"

I shrugged. "Nah. He got an ass-" "I KNEW IT!" I glared at my younger sister as she began running as I chased after her.

"Get back here!" I screamed as she laughed. I was prepared to kill my sister. Lets just say I was as Yandere as Bryce was. Saw a girl flirting with him. Guess what? She gone.

Ken:One long ass chapter. Well....Fidget McQuaid Out!

Bryce:Your still here....


Ken:Shut up.

Ohm:I really hate you.

Ken:Aww Ohm baby~

*Ken hugs Ohm and nibbles his ear*

Ohm:*Blushing* S-Stop.


Craig:The Fuck? Anyways...make sure you follow the authors Kayle and Ken! Peace ✌

*Ken Fighting Kayle in the background*

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