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|Y/N Pov|

Me, my step mother and step sisters have just moved to LA. It was beautiful but I still had to do a lot of work.

"Y/N get the bags will you!" Anastasia said. I groaned and grabbed some bags and putting them inside. We got a furnished house. I hated my step sisters and mother...I wish my dad was still here.

"Y/N your room is right here" My step mother Joanne said. It was a very small room but I could manage. "Thank you..." I said getting everyone stuff in there room.

I went back to my room to watch YouTube. MiniLaddd was my favorite bit my sisters had huge crushes on him.

I turned my tablet off and walked around the house. I walk past the living room to see my sisters all excited. "What's got you two all excited?" I asked them.

"Well Craig is gonna have a party. A costume party and were going while you stay here" Drizella said. I sighed because this was such a Cinderella story.

"Y/N go pick up the dresses!" Joanne called. I nodded and went to pick them up at the address.

They were gonna be Cinderella. While I was holding these two dresses I walked into someone falling back.

"Oh God...Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I looked up seeing Brian or Terroriser. "Yeah...I'm fine..." I said grabbing the dresses.

"Where are you going with those dresses?" He asked me. "There my step sisters...There going to a party" I explained to him. "I never introduced myself. I'm Brian" He said. "Y/N" I replied.

"Why aren't you gonna go to the party?" He asked me. "Because I'm not allowed. My sisters love MiniLadd" I said.

"I can help you!" He said. "My girlfriend has nice dresses and I bet she would be happy to help ye!" He said smiling.

"Really?" I asked him. He nodded. "Lets do it" I said. He took me to his car and drove us to a house.

He opened the door and a girl was there. "Hey Brian! Who's this?" Brian's girlfriend Lenai asked. "This is Y/N. Can we see your dresses?" Brian asked her. She nodded and went to get some.

"This is just like Cinderella" I said laughing. "How?" He asked me. "I have to step sisters that have Cinderellas sisters names, and I have a step mother. Your like my fairy hot (God father but I'm keeping it because its funny XD) father" I explained.

Lenai came back with a few dresses. "Lenai help me!" Brian said getting me a dress and Lenai doing my makeup and getting me a mask.

"I need to get the dresses to my sisters!" I said. "I'll get them there" Lenai said. "Lets go" Brian said.

We drove to the Party and I saw my sisters. Craig wasn't any were to be found. "How's everyone doing?" I heard a voice ask everyone. It was Craig!

"I will be choosing one person to do a video with me" He said. He started looking around and his eyes landed on me.

He walked towards me. "How about you?" He asked me. "I umm...Sure" I said. It struck twelve. My family started leaving the party.

"I-I'm sorry I have to go" I apologized. I started running loosing a shoe in the progress. I ran to Brian's car and he got me home.

"Lenai get the makeup off! They'll be here soon!" I said as she took the makeup off of my face. After ahe finished I took The dress off hiding it in a Box.

I heard a car door slam. "Go!" I said and they ran out the back. I put on my other clothes and started cleaning the house.

"Y/N! This girl stole our chances to be famous!" Joanne complained. "Umm...I'm sorry?" I said. She dramatically sighed.

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