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Y/N pov

I washed my face with the water nervous as hell. Let me explain Youtubers Arctic Fox and Ohmwrecker broke up!

Ohm contacted me and asked me out! I'm so nervous. They're both masked and haven't met yet.

My friend Mackenzie is coming with her date. Yes a double date. I heard a knock at my door. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey! You ready yet?" Mackenzie asked me. I nodded she was wearing actual girl clothes! "I thought you were a cross dresser?" I said.

"Well...For a date I would wear girl clothes" She said. "So Ryan, and Anthony will meet us there" She said.

She didn't know its Ohm. I told her it was a guy called Ryan. Anthony was her date.

"Let's go!" I said going to the car. We drove to the restaurant. There were two guys there. Mackenzie and me stepped out of the car. Her blue dress shining in the light, and my F/C dress sparkling.

"Oh my...That's Chilled Chaos...Did you get me a date with Chilled chaos?!" She asked me stopping us.

"Well...I sorta did" I said. She turned red. "Do you know how cute he is? I'm nothing compared to him" She said.

"Mackenzie...your beautiful" I said. She smiled and we started walking again. "Hello Ryan" I said to the Omega man.

He smiled at me. "Hey Y/N" He said. Mackenzie stayed Quiet. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Anthony" Chilled said as Mackenzie blushed.

"Hi...Umm...My name is Mackenzie. But you can call me Kenzie" She said stuttering. Ohm looked at her with a curious look on his face.

"Umm...lets go inside" Mackenzie said as we walked inside. We got our table and I decided to start conversation.

"So what does everyone do for a living?" I asked. Ohm and Mackenzie looked at me Nervous. Oh yeah Ohm is a masked youtuber, and Mackenzie does...Something.

"YouTube" Chilled replied. "YouTube..." Ohm said. Mackenzie mumbled her answer. "What?" I asked her.

"YouTube" She said. "Wait I've known you for so many years and you never once mentioned this to me" I said.

She looked at me. "Yeah we have something called a masked gamer. Honestly you sound like Bryce when he asked me why I don't show my face" She said before covering her mouth.

"Wait you play with Bryce?" Ohm asked her. "Y/N...Look at you texts" Mackenzie said. I took out my phone seeing a Twitter link.

I clicked on it and was taken to...No. "M-Mackenzie?" I asked her. "Your really...?" She nodded. "Yeah hard to believe right? I love playing games and I love doing it for a living. But I know One day Jonathon will invite me to a game with my ex" She said.

I looked over at Ohm. He was confused. "Ohm..." I said quietly. "What? Ohm?" Mackenzie asked. He looked at Mackenzie puzzled. "What?" He asked.

"I've gotta go" She said walking out. "Mackenzie wait!" Chilled said running after her. "What?" Ohm asked confused.

"Wow I'm surprised you don't recognize your Ex anymore. How long did you two play together? 4 years or so?" I asked him.

Mackenzie and chilled walked back inside holding hands. "Umm...Ryan you and Y/N can date. I have Anthony" She said.

I smiled and stood up. I pulled Ohm out of his seat and hugged him. "You wanna...?" I asked him. He nodded. "Sure"

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