Wrong number-Miniladd

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I was talking to a girl I just met called Avery she was a friend to Fox. She gave me her number and walked away.

I texted the number. 'Hello is this Avery?' I asked the number. 'No...My name is Y/N' I had gotten the wrong number.

'Oh well....sorry to bother you. I'm Craig!' I Texted back. 'Hey are you talking about Avery Patterson?' Y/N asked me.

'Yes!' 'Well I can text her and we can meet up at Starbucks' She replied. I smiled. 'Sure! I love startbucks!' I texted.

We set up a time for tomorrow and I still had to edit. I heard a knock on my door. I went to it and opened it. There was an unfamiliar girl with curly russet hair, She had glasses, Bandages around her right arm, and a grey eye and a purple eye.

"Change of plans Craig..." She said and that's when I notice the limited addition hoodie. "Fox?" I asked. She didn't reply she only grabbed my arm and took me to a house.

She knocked and waited. She looked at me and smiled. The door opened and I see the most beautiful girl with E/C, H/L with H/C.

"Mackenzy what are you doing here?" She asked and I blushed. The grey purple eyed girl went inside and pushed me onto a couch. Their was a girl with black hair and amber eyes, Avery was their, and the other girl was there. I was confused.

"Craig meet Y/N" She said pointing to the girl who opened the door. I blushed even more and stood up. "Hi Y/N..." I said. She blushed "H-Hey!" We stood in silence when Fox spoke up. "Umm....I believe I was promised something from the Amber eyes fuck here" She said nothing towards a girl with black hair, and Amber eyes.

"Fridge" She said pointing to the fridge. Fox went to the fridge and came back with whip creme. "Now....Don't be alarmed but...." She said and sprayed us with whip creme. "That's for not giving me my Muney!" She screamed and ran out of the hide with her middle finger out.

We looked at each other them at The black haired girl. "Mackenzy!" She screamed. Fox came running around the corner and tackled The girl. "Yes Alana?" She asked.

"How long have you guys known each other?" I asked the girls. "Sisters and cousins" Fox said Standing up. She went over to Y/N "Sisters....Cousins" Y/N said.

I was dumbfounded by this information. Soon I see Fox push
Y/N onto me and our lips connect.

                        Y/N pov

My sister had pushed me into Craig so were kissing now. We both melted into the kiss. I put my arm around his neck while he put his hands on my waist.

He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I excepted. He explored every inch of my mouth and we soon remembered that air was a thing that we needed.

We broke from the kiss a trail of saliva broke from our lips. I heard a faint squeal. I turn around wipe the saliva and see Fox Passed out on Alana's arms.

"Shipping?" I asked her. She nodded "Shipping.." She basically dragged my sister to her car. I turned to face Craig "so are we a thing now?" I asked him. He chuckled "does this answer your question?" He asked and connected our lips.

This kiss was short but memorable. "I love you Craig" I said and he smiled. "I love you to~" He said and Pulled me into another kiss.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now