Lets Try something~Vanoss Gaming

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|Y/N Pov|

I cuddled into my boyfriend of 1 year as we watched a movie. "Hey Y/N?" Evan asked me and looked at me. "Yeah?" I asked him.

"Can we try something...new?" He asked me. "Sure...But what do you mean?" I asked him. "We've been together for a year now and...We've never had...sex" He said making my eyes widen.

"D-Do you actually...?" I asked him. He nodded. "We can try" I said as I was pushed onto the couch as Evan got on top of me. I sqeaked.

He kissed me. This kiss was full of love and passion as his hands trailed lower. We broke apart for air as he went down to my neck.

Kissing, biting, and sucking all around until he made it to one part that made me moan loudly.

He smirked. I could tell Evan wasn't a virgin. I wasn't either.

I blushed madly as he bit down on my sweet spot. He smirked going back up to my lips and kissing me. This kiss wasn't like the other one but it was filled with Lust and hunger.

He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I denied to annoy him. He groaned in annoyance but grabbed my ass and squeezing it as I gasped.

He found this as an opportunity and slid his tounge in. He explored every inch of my mouth. I moaned.

We stopped the kiss as he took my shirt off throwing it somewhere around the room. I wasn't wearing a bra. He stared at my boobs and didn't stop. This made me blush and try to cover myself but he held my arms.

He went back to my neck squeezing one boob. I moaned more sexually. He made it down to my boob and started licking around my bud.

I tangles my fingers in his hair and moaned. He went to my now hard bud and started licking it.

"E-Evan~" I moaned his name.

I tugged at his shirt as he took it off. I dragged my finger around his abs.

He took off my shorts and I was only left with panties (that's a funny word) (I'm just wondering how Ken made it past 7th grade) (Hey Fuck you)

I took his belt off and his jeans leaving him in his boxers.

He took my panties off (I love the word panties :3) (Someone tell me why I'm friends with her)

He took his boxers off and I found myself staring at his member. "Like what you see" "Evan..." I started. "Fuck me. Fuck me so hard that I can't walk for weeks!" I begged.

He smirked and without hesitation slammed his member into me. I arched my back amd moaned in pleasure.

"Like that Babe?" Evan asked me. "E-Evan~" I moaned his name as he stayed in the same position letting me adjust.

I nodded signaling he could move. When he moved I felt more please. He quickly rammed himself back into me.

I moaned once again bucking my hips. Evan grabbed my hips as he started thrusting.

I felt myself getting closer. "E-Evan I'm gonna Cu-Aaah!" I was cut off as Evan slammed himself into me harder and his thrusts became sloppy meaning he was close.

I came and Evan did too. "Well...That was fun" Evan said. "We should do that again...and maybe we shouldn't do it on the couch" I said pointing to the sticky mess on the couch.

He laughed and I laughed with him.

What is wrong with me? If you don't like this, it will just be for like 3 parts

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now