Gamer Camp-Brian, Marcel, and Craig X Reader

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|Y/N Pov|

Me and my friend boarded the plane ready to go to camp. We were gonna be counselors at Gamer camp.

I found this when I got a notification from Brian's Twitter. We lived hours away bit that didn't stop us from going.

The plane had landed and we were off. We made it and signed in. "Which cabin are you in?" B/F asked me. "Cabin C. Terroriser is also the counselor of this cabin" I said smiling.

"Cabin A. I don't have Craig, Or Marcel" B/F said frowning. "We have a week and a half to hang out with them. Let's make the most of it. The campers are arriving Tommorow" I told her as we started walking to our cabins.

"We have to set up. See you later" I said as we parted to our cabins. As I opened the cabin door I saw a man with blue hair.

"Are you Y/N?" Craig aka Miniladd asked me. "Yep. Thats me" I said smiling. "Okay so here's everything. You have to help me, Brian, and Marcel do this" He said.

"Oh yeah. One person will have to help the youtubers. I understand. I came here a few years ago so I can show you around" I told him.

"Would you? Thanks" He said smiling. "So where's Marcel and Brian?" I asked him. "They just got here" He said looking behind me. There they were waving.

I walked over to them and explained the plan. As I was walking I walked into another counselor. "Oh I'm so sorry..." She said. "Its okay. I'm Y/N" I said smiling. "I'm nish(OhmMyGod)" She said.

"Oh your the girl who is helping Craig, Brian, and Marcel right? I'm the owner. My father owned this but its me now" She said smiling nervously.

"Yeah. And its so cool your doing this" I said to her. "Well if you need anything go to cabin D where me, Mackenzie, and Kayle are" She said waving and walking away.

She was wearing an Ohmwrecker shirt. I went to Find B/F so she could join us.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now