Hamilton 3 'The Schuler sisters'-Ohmwrecker

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|Jay Burr|

"There’s nothing rich folks love more. Than going downtown and slummin’ it with the poor. They pull up in their carriages and gawk At the students in the common. Just to watch them talk.
Take Philip Schuyler: the man is loaded. Uh-oh, but little does he know that His daughters, Kayle, Mackenzie, Y/N Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at-"

"Work, Work" The sisters walked outside. "Mackenzie" "Y/N" "And Kayle" They said. "The Shcuyler sisters" "Mackenzie" "Kayle
"Y/N" Work.

"Daddy said to be home by sun down" Kayle told her sisters. "Daddy doesn't need to know" Mackenzie told the worried sister. "Daddy said not to go downtown!" Kayle reminded the other two.

"Like I said your free to go" Y/N said. But-look around, look around, the Revolution’s happening in New York" Mackenzie said.

"Its bad enough daddy wants to go war" Kayle said. "People shouting in the square" Y/N said. "Its bad enough they'll be violence on our shore" Kayle said getting worried. "New Ideas in the air" Mackenzie said.

As Mackenzie was talking to Y/N another person approached her.

"There's nothing like summer in the city, someone in a rush next to someone looking pretty. Excuse me miss I know its not funny but your perfume smells like your daddy's got money. Why you slummin' in the city with your fancy heals? You searching for an urchin who can give you ideals?" The taller male asked me.

"Burr you disgust me" "Ah, so you've discussed me. In a trust fund baby you can trust me" Jay said. I looked at him in disgust.

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