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I watched as he smiled at her and she smiled back.

My hearts been shattered for 5 years...I know I broke up with Brian but...It hurt. I walked through the mall watching Brian and Lanai holding hands. Me and Brian were still friends. Lanai is my best friend...I introduced her to Brian.

"Hey Y/N you okay?" My brother Brock asked me. I nodded looking at Lauren. Lauren looked to where I was. "Oh my...its Brian...and hes...He's-"

"Lanai I wanna do this here...and Now." Brian said stopping in their tracks. "Lanai Gara will you make me the happiest man in the world and...Marry me?" Brian asked as everyone else walking by smiled and told Lanai to say yes.

Lanai had tears and smiled. "Yes...Yes I will Brian!" She said kissing Brian and hugging him. I stared as my eyes became more dull than before. I watched as Brian slipped the ring on Lanai. They turned to look at everyone and once they got to Brock, Lauren, and I, I fake smiled at her. She waved and walked over to me.

"Thank you so much..."

I was confused as to why she was thanking me. "Thank you for introducing me to Brian...Your an amazing friend" She said hugging me. I gave her a half real smile. One part of me felt broken wbile the other part was happy for Lanai and Brian.

"I'm so...Happy for you two!" I said as Brian walked over. "No hard feelings?" "Hey I dumped you" We laughed. "Y/N...Will you be my bridesmaid?" Lanai asked me while I was still smiling like an idiot. "Of course!"

As I'm watching Lanai and Brian say their vows I felt eyes on me. I looked around my eyes landing on a cerntain someone. Tyler.

I smiled at him and waved as he waved back. I wasn't sad about Brian because...I knew I would be fine because...Because...Tyler's here. And he makes me happy.

Me and Tyler started dating a month after the engagement. And I fell I love. "Okay Ladies!" Lanai said tossing the flowers (Can't remember how to spell the actual thing)

I was in the back but wa stsrated when I saw flowers hurling towards me. I caught it in reflex.

I smiled looking up and Tyler. "Well...We can get married soon too" Tyler said. I looked at him confused as He went don't on one knee and pulled out a box. "Y/N M/N L/N...Will you Stay with me through thick and thin and marry me?" He asked me. I for Lanai who was long gone with Brian.

I nodded "Yes I would Love to marry you. Because you make me Happy"

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now