That's Not What I Meant!2-Wildcat

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I sighed thinking about how to fix this. I texted Anthony and Craig who weren't in the game or call.

"Can you guys come over?" I asked them. After a few minutes I saw Panda and Mini. "What's up?" They asked me simultaneously.

"I messed up. You know how I was playing Mario Kart with Y/N? She got mad at me and I said something I shouldn't have" I told them.

"What was it?" Mini asked. "Go find your dad..." I told them. "You shouldn't talk about Her dad. You know her and Brian are sensitive when it comes to talking about him. They said he was a good man" Panda said.

Surprisingly Panda and Ohm were Y/N best friends. "Panda...Can you text her?" I asked him. "Sure" Panda said and texted her. Not long after there was a ding from his phone. "Why does Tyler hate me?" Panda read.

"I don't hate her...I love her with all my heart" I told him he texted her back. "Yeah he told me he loved me but...after what he said I can never forgive him" Panda read the text once again.

"Ty you screwed up..." They said once again simultaneously.

"I wanna fix this" Another ding from Pandas phone. "I have to go. I'm getting evicted" He read.

"I got it! I can ask her to live with me!" I said. "Y/N is gonna try to ask everyone else. We can get everyone to say no. Ohm might not listen since Y/N is like his younger sister" Panda told us.

"Can you tell them to day they can't" I asked them. They nodded. We played some games then they left.


I got a text thinking it was from Panda but no. Hey Wildcat can I stay with you for a bit? Everyone else said no... The text from Y/N read. Yeah sure. I replied getting a smiley face.

After a few more hours there was a knock at my door. "Its open" I called downstairs. "Ty...?" Y/N asked me.

"Oh Y/N! Follow me" I said she didn't make eye contact with me. I brought her to the guest room. "How long will you be staying?" I asked her. "For a bit. After this I will move back to Ireland with Brian" She told me.

"Well...Okay. My room is at the end of the hall of you need anything just ask" I said walking to my room.

A few months later

Y/N is in Ireland with Brian. She forgave me. "That's all I wanted..." I said smiling.

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