Hatred-Ohm X reader

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My family or L/N family was best friends with The wrecker family. Actually I liked everyone in that family except for one....

"Y/N were going to the Wreckers for dinner!" My mom called. I groaned "what time?" I asked. "7 so get ready" She said. I got up and changed into leggings and a short sleaved shirt.

It was now 7 and we were heading to the Wreckers house. Once we get their I see Lilly, and Sasha. I was great friends with them both. Then I see the person I hated the most. Ryan Wrecker.

"Okay so Us adults are going out and you guys need to stay here" My mom said. My sister started talking to Ryan and soon Ryan walks over to me.

"Hey" He said. I groaned "hey..." He looked back at Kenzie who was talking to Bryce Ryan's best friend now. She looked at Ryan and smiled. He nodded and looked back a t me while in standing their confused.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked me. I chuckled a bit. "Well for starters your Annoying as hell, you try to impress me, Personal space doesn't exist with you and lastly you hate me as Well" I said.

"I thought you knew...." He said and looked away. "Knew what Ryan?" I asked him. "I love you.. I never wanted to say anything...so I decided to be a jerk..." He said.

I blushed. Well he is cute... "Ryan...You are annoying a jerk and everything else so...Will you be my Annoying jerk?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. "Aye!!" I heard My sister call.

"I ship it! Break her heart and your dead Ohm..." Kenzie said getting between me and Ryan. "Okay! Okay don't worry" He said smiling like an idiot and earned a playful smack from my sister.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now