How do I say this?-ChilledXFoxXDeliriousXOhm

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Fell in love with three guys. What's going on in the inside. How do I say this...?

Fell in love with the Omega man. 4 AM still thinking bout him. Watch another's videos. Fell in love with his voice.

Waking up every morning. Thinking bout how this could happen. But you know. Things change.

Fell in love with the Hazel eyed man. Getting later and he's still in my mind. Psycho man pops up. Not getting enough.

Red, Blue and grey are my colours. Chilled, H2O, and Ohm.

In my mind. 10 past 9. Still in my mind. Chilled comes up. Leaves in a rush. Ohm comes swooping in. What should I think about this?

Change is diffrent. Change is good. Omega, Red, Pshycho.

The man that started it all. Bunny and masked that's all. The Other player, A red guy. The hockey mask, the blue hoodie.

Oh c'mon tell me I'm wrong. 4 AM still thinking Bout it. These three popin' in and out.

I texted the Omega man himself and I fell in love. I've been working on this song about Delirious, Ohm, and Chilled.

I hope this goes well. We where gonna go to a party. I grabbed the paper. I drove to the party and alot of people were there. I smiled.

I grabbed a microphone. "Hi! Can I have every ones attention? I wrote this song...About the best people I've ever met" I said.

"Fell in love with three guys. What's going on in the inside. How do I say this...?

Fell in love with the Omega man. 4 AM still thinking bout him. Watch another's videos. Fell in love with his voice.

Waking up every morning. Thinking bout how this could happen. But you know. Things change.

Fell in love with the Hazel eyed man. Getting later and he's still in my mind. Psycho man pops up. Not getting enough.

Red, Blue and grey are my colours. Chilled, H2O, and Ohm.

In my mind. 10 past 9. Still in my mind. Chilled comes up. Leaves in a rush. Ohm comes swooping in. What should I think about this?

Change is diffrent. Change is good. Omega, Red, Pshycho.

The man that started it all. Bunny and masked that's all. The Other player, A red guy. The hockey mask, the blue hoodie.

Oh c'mon tell me I'm wrong. 4 AM still thinking Bout it. These three popin' in and out"

I ended. Silence then claps. I smiled seeing the Hazel eyed male. He flashed a smile at me.

I always thought of them as friends but...It changed after a few years.

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