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I felt uneasy as I traveled through my house trying to find someone...anyone!

My brother Craig was having a sleepover at our house and him and his friends have just disappeared.

He didn't know I had monophobia but I felt it didn't matter since he promised to never leave me alone.

I ran around the house and I couldn't find anyone. I didn't care if they were just out I couldn't handle being alone. My vision gut blurred and my breathing got faster.

I felt arms go around my waist and I heard someone 'Shh' me. I turned around seeing Craigs friends Brian. So...I've kinda had a thing for Brian.

I calmed down and looked into the Irish mans eyes. I quickly attached our lips and thats when I knew I fucked up because...

He was kissing back.

We didn't pull away until we needed air. "I love you Brian." I told him. "I love you too." He said hugging me and kissing my forehead.

This is a short little One shot because I wanted to nase two of the parts off of phobias I have. Here's the definition:

Monophobia, or the fear of being alone, is a catch-all term for several discrete fears. ... Some fear livingalone or being in publicalone. Still, others are afraid of being alone at home. Nervousness while alone is surprisingly common, but a full-blown phobia is relatively rare.

My brothers can't leave me alone...neither can my friends...HAH.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now