<Alpha and Omega-Ohmtoonz>

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Requested by ThatOneWriter_009

I giggled as my best friend groaned about his test scores. "70 again..." He said. I showed him my paper. "YOUR A CHEATER! 100? SERIOUSLY?!" Ryan asked me smacking the paper against my chest as I was in a fit of laughter.

"Calm down Ry." I told my best friend. "We'll be out of here in no time! We're seniors, remember?" I asked him. He smiled. "I might hate school but I'm scared we won't be friends after this." Ryan said a frown placed on his face. "I promise we will still be friends...Ohm." I said. "Ohm? Is that my new nickname?" Ryan asked me. I giggled and nodded. "Its because Omega's can be referred to as Ohm." I told him.

Ohm's eyes widened. "Y-You know?" I nodded. "I've seen you when your stressed. Thats why you wear a hood. To hide your wolf ears." I said pulling the hood down to see his ears. He made them disappear. "So are there more werewolf's here?" I asked my omega friend as we walked to the library. "Yes. There are normals, an omega, me, and an alpha." He told me.

"Who's the alpha?" I asked him. "Guess." He said looking at the most popular kid. Luke Patterson. "How many humans go here?" I asked him. He stopped making me stop too. "Just...you." My eyes widen. I'm the only human?! That can't be right! What about Kayle? She seems normal!

"Kayle isn't a human." "...How can I become a wolf?" I asked my best friend. "Well...We can get Principal Hade to turn you into one...Or I can turn you into one..." Ohm said blushing. "What is the way you would turn me into one?" I asked him, his blush becoming crimson red. "Oh umm...We would have to...you know..." Ohm said and I suddenly understood what he meant. "Oh umm...Lets just get Principal Hade." I pulled his arm as we ran to the principals office people staring at us.

When we made it to the principals office I heard a familiar voice. "So I can't mark her? She's the only person I want to mark!" Luke told Hade. "Well I can turn her into one but...She seems to be into our omega." Hade told Luke. I opened the door and I pushed Luke aside. "Omega man over here told me about the werewolf's." I said. "She guessed by herself." "I want to be a werewolf." I told Hades.

"Very well. Step into the nurses office. How do you feel about needles?" Hades asked me. "I'm okay with them...I guess." I felt a small pain hit my arm as I saw the nurse had put a needle into me. "There's just one thing...You are a delta." He told me. Delta is when you can't have babies right...? Yeah I'm sure.

I closed my eyes as the nurse took out the needle and suddenly sitting felt uncomfortable. I stood up as my tail was sticking put just like my ears. "Wait...did these just ruin my favorite jeans?!" I asked because there was probably a hole in my favorite jeans!

"Luke...Ryan. We have a delta." I turned around feeling more affection for both of these guys. Ohm was blushing as was Luke. "Wow..." Ohm said. "I know right?" Luke asked him. "What now?" I asked them. Ohm hugged me as did Luke. "You have been marked." Hade said under his breath as both guys left me.

I left the principals office getting a lot of looks as they gasped or growled. "I have been marked...by the alpha and the omega..." I told myself.

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