Love, and lies-H2OBrohmtoonz

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Request by kaeleecarter__

|Y/N Pov|

Me and Bryce were driving to the hotel. We were gonna meet our best friends.

I was so happy to be with these guys! This was gonna be great. "Evan is meeting us at the entrance" I told Bryce.

He nodded. We made it to the Hotel. Bryce got the keys and we made our way up the stairs.

We were on the 11th floor and I was running. Since Bryce was taller he walked.

I made it up. I realized he wasn't behind me and ran back down. He was walking. I see what floor we were on.

3. "Bryce Run!" I screamed and he flashed past me. I tried catching up but failed. After a few minutes I was up while Bryce was there.

"We'll get everything in the room then head out" He said. I nodded and our my suitcase down. We where in Boston! My Home city!

We finished and went to Pax. I see many people also seeing a familiar face. "Amber!" I screamed jumping on the Brown haired girl.

She was shocked. She shook me off and smiled at me hugging me.

"Who are you here with?" I asked her. "Meghan" She said blushing. Yeah she was Bisexual.

"When good luck. I'm here with a guy named Bryce!" I said smiling. She looked around. "Where is he?" She asked.

"Right there" I said pointing to Bryce who was taking pictures and stuff at his booth.

"Well I have to go" She said walking away.

I walked towards Bryce when I see him talking to a bearded man. "Luke!" I screamed running up to him. He looked at me and hugged me.

"Y/N! How are you?" He asked me letting go. "Awesome!" I said smiling. We all talked for a whils. "Joanthon and Ryan are outside with Evan" Bryce said reading a text.

We walked outside and I see two guts talking to Evan. One was a tan man with Brown hair. The other was a white man with Hazel eyes.

"Jonathon!" Luke screamed getting the tan mans attention. He smiled. "Hey! Hey Bryce and Y/N" He said smiling.

The other guy who I presumed was Ohm shyly smiled at us. He was self cautious about his face. His face was Handsom.

"Hey!" I said to them. I hugged my brother. "How are you?" Evan asked because we haven't seen eachother in a long time.

"Good, you?" I replied. He shrugged. "Could be better, Mom is sick" He said. I frowned.

I saw Bryce talking to Luke but I could care less. "Well me and Bryce have a panel so...We have to go" I said dragging Bryce to the Panel room.

To be continued...

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