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Request by Mangle67810

|L U C A S|

Y/N and I were watching a movie when I felt her snuggle into me. I smiled and did that lame yawn move and put my ark around her. We continued watching the movie. I looked at Y/N a grin forming on my face.

I pushed her away earning a confused look from her. I pinned her to the couch as she blushed. I leaned in as she did the same, but instead of kissing her I tickled her. She started laughing and tried kicking me but I had her legs pinned with mine.

"L-Lucas!" She laughed out. "Will you give me a kiss?" I asked her. She frantically nodded as I let her go. She calmed herself down and looked at me before running out of the living room.

Thats when I noticed my phone was gone...I ran upstairs and noticed our bedroom door was closed when it was always open. I knew what she was doing."Y/N? Don't do it. Don't post any memes!" I quickly went to find my laptop, which was in the living room, and I checked my Twitter. Y/N had posted a dozen memes in less than 2 minutes.

I sighed and laughed. "My meme girl..." I sighed out and chuckled. I walked upstairs and pulled out a hidden key I had. This happened a lot. I barged in and see Y/N sitting on the bed with my phone.

She squeked when I pinned her down on the bed, my phone covering her mouth as her face went red. I leaned my face closer to hers and removed the phone from her face. I pressed my lips against hers and she emediatly kissed back. I smiled into the kiss as I was now on my knees and elbows on her. We pulled away and smiled at eachother. "I love you so much..." I told her and got close to her face again but instead I moved away and grabbed my phone, "But I love my memes more, meme queen." She pouted but smiled when I pecked her lips. "But I love you just as much~" I told her and kissed her.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now