I'm sorry...-Bryce X Reader X Lui

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|Y/N Pov|

I was in Georgia hanging out with my childhood friend Bryce.

He told me he had another friend staying over as well. Their was a knock at the door.

I got up and opened it revealing a handsom man with a beard. "Bryce!" I called out.

Bryce came down. "Hey Luke!" He said happily. "Who is this chick?" Luke asked which pissed me off.

"Bryce I'm gonna be in my room" I told him. I walked up to my current room. I fell in love with Bryce...But he always had someone else over.

I felt my phone vibrate. "Hey Lui" I said smiling. "Hey! Can you come out?" He asked me. He knew I was staying here for a few. I got up and left.

I see Lui in a car. "Let's go!" He said in his squeaker voice I got in the passenger seat.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked Lui. He smiled at me. "Whatever you want baby" He said once again in his squeaker voice making me giggle.

"Laser tag! Against little kids!" I said. We made it to laser tag and we won. It was now 6:00.

"Bye Lui" I said happily walking to the front door. I see Bryce sitting there.

"Hey Brycey!" I said. He sighed "Where were you?" He asked me. "With Lui..." I said smiling at his name because I grew feelings for him.

He came closer to me and his lips connected with mine. I pulled away. I heard the door close. I turned around to see Lui Driving away. "Wait!" I screamed trying to run after him but failing.

I turned around and went to my room. I locked my door with Bryce begging me to come out. I tried calling Lui. I was crying thinking he hated me

And I finally did call Lui. "Lui!" I said happily. "What...?" He said coldly. "I'm sorry you saw that I did-" "Didn't what? Didn't want me to know you didn't love me and loved Bryce? So you just decided to use me?" He asked cutting me off.

I cried. "L-Lui...Please come over" I asked. "Why should I?" He asked me. "Because I love you! Your such an idiot for thinking I loved Bryce!" I said. I heard a gasp.

He hung up and I thought he hated me. I layed in my room I had a razor in my bathroom. I entered the bathroom keeping my room door locked.

I cut once...and another. Then I heard banging. "Y/N I'm here!" Lui screamed. I stayed their already feeling dizzy because of the vain I hit.

"L-Lui" I said collapsing onto the Floor. I heard the door slam open. "Y/N!" Lui screamed picking me up. "Call an Ambulance!" He screamed.

A little while later I heard Sirens. I collapsed in the Ambulance.

"With my final breath...I Say one word...Before my death...Say this word...Don't forget me because...I'm not coming back" I read because after the suicide thing she disappeared.

I loved her...I will always love her. I turned the paper over. "I'm sorry..." Was written their in Bright F/C Letters...

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