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|Y/N Pov|

I woke up getting my clothes on. First day of senior year. We were told we would have a few new kids. I have to help one. His name is Brian Terror.

I walked to school and went to the office with other people. You could tell who was a new kid and who wasn't.

I sat down. "Okay so Brian Terror is running a little late" The principal said as a few other kids entered.

He called there names and they found there buddies. I waited in the office for my buddy. Soon a guy walked inside. "Sorry I'm late..." He said he had an accent.

He was also pretty cute. "Your buddy is Y/N over there" The principal said. I waved at him.

"Okay so let me see your schedule" I said. He handed me his schedule. "Well our schedules are the exact same. Here I'll show you around" I said smiling.

We walked around and I showed him everything before we went to biology.

I sat next to Brian and we talked until the teacher came in. "My name is Mr.Mark I Wil be your teacher" He said.

We did everything we had to do. Soon the day was over and I said bye to Brian. "Wait!" I told him. He stopped and turned to me.

"I wanna make a promise. If we are still single by 28 then we will marry eachother" I said. He smiled. "Okay I promise" He said. I smiled and we went our separate ways.

[27 years of age]

I smiled and saw all my friends here. I was turning 28 in a few hours. They brought the cake and I made my wish as it struck twelve.

"Y/N" I heard a voice say. I turned around seeing my old friend Brian Terror. He got down on one knee and I remembered the promise. "Will you marry me?" He asked me.

I put my hands over my mouth and nodded. I kissed him and he slid the ring on my finger.

We kept that promise. It turns out that Brian hadn't had dated anyone after We made that promise.

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