Blind date-Cartoonz

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I woke up this morning as always but today....I was happier? I honestly don't know.

I changed into a F/C shirt and some jeans. I put on my shoes because today my friend Sarah or Angel was setting me up on a date.

I grabbed my purse and my leather jacket. I got  into my car and drove to the location I was told to go to. When I get their I see Sarah, Kenzie, Yahir, Alana, and Jonathon aka Angel, Fox, YahirPlays, CcCookie, and H2O Delirious.

They all pull me towards a table and make me sit down. I do as told. I soon see a handsome man enter and see Kenzie Talk to him. He nods and walks over to my table. I blushed because He Looked Fucking amazing.

"Umm...Hi" He said sitting down. If I wasn't red before I was now. I looked to where the others were and see Delirious Flirting with Sarah because she was red, Yahir looked mad as hell while talking to a smirking Fox.

I giggled, the man looked at me confused so I pointed behind him. He looks and laughs a bit. Fox suddenly looked at Delirious and nodded, Fox pushed Yahir and Delirious Pushed Sarah making them really close to kissing.

I laughed more now because Yahir was really red. Fox fist bumped Delirious then turned to us. I was trying to hide my laughing but I couldn't when she flipped me off.

I looked at the man. "My names
Y/N" I said sticking a hand out. He smiled and took it. "Luke but you can call me Cartoonz" He said. I smiled at Cartoonz then get a text.

Sarah Y/N

So....We got kicked out.

                                  Lol I knew it!

Hey shut the fuck up it was a Greta moment making Yahir accidentally kiss Sarah

                                 Oh sorry Fox...

"So the others...They got kicked out" I said to Luke. "Then why don't we go to my place and watch a movie?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked out.

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