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I stared into the moon thinking about the woman I once loved. "I'm sorry" I said seeing a star flash. I closed my eyes starting to cry.

<A few days ago>

I hugged my wife. We had just gotten married. I couldn't love anyone more. I went to the living room seeing as there was a killer on the loose we should lock our doors.

My wife was currently doing the dishes. I went over to the door and locked it. My wife stared at a knife. "Y/N?" I asked. She didn't flinch. "Y/N?" I asked taking the knife away. She looked at me.

"Yes honey?" She asked me the smile coming back. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She nodded. "Of course why would'nt I be?" She asked. "You where staring at this knife..." I told her. "I'm okay...I promise" She said smiling at me.

I nodded and went to see the door open. I looked around not seeing Y/N anymore. "Y/N?" I asked. "You know...Locking the door would'nt do much when I'm right here..." I heard Y/N say feeling the knife touch my back.

I turned around having the knife pointing to my neck. I looked my wife in the eyes. Her eyes where black...all around while her pupil was Yellow. "Y/N...?" "Shut up..." She told me. I clsoed my mouth to scared to say anything else.

"I guess you could say I'm a little phsyco" She said smiling and laughing. She started walking towards me as I stepped back farther and farther everytime. I felt lower back hit the counter. I looked back and then at Y/N as her eyes turned back to E/C.

She toucehd her head dropping the knife. "Whats going on?" She asked me. "Umm...Nothing" I told her bringing the knife to my hand. "Luke...I have to tell you something..." She said. "Yeah?" I asked her. "I'm..." her eyes turned black and yellow once more. "You can't escape" She told me.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and put it behind my back. I kicked sonething to the door catching Y/N' attention. She walked ober to it. I quickly called 911. "Please come...Theres a phsyco-" I said being cut off by Y/N smacking my phone from my hand.

"You can't escape..." She told me. "Pleas-" "Shut up!" She screamed at me plunging the knife into my shoudler. I screamed in pain and held onto my shoudler. She was smaller than me but she was strong.

I heard the sirens in the distance and looked out the window. I heard the door break down seeing Y/N go back to normal. "Wha-" "Y/N L/N your under arrest" The cops told her. "What?!" She asked the cop.

"We have your voice recorded on the call, and on the crime scene camera" The cop told her. "What...? No...NO!" She screamed as the cop handcuffed her. "Luke wasn't me" She said. I didnt answer but instead stayed quiet.

She was arrested for life. I visited her. She tried escaping. I couldn't deal with this...Not anymore. She was a phsyco...I married a phsyco without even realizing it.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now