Just a Love song-Lui Calibre

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I love writing songs and all that so I signed up for a school talent show. I was a bit of a nobody...

The popular guys are the Vanoss crew and I like Lui he's my favorite.

I was walking to the auditorium because thats where you sign up. I looked at the sheet and noticed a few popular people where doing it. I walked to the stage to Audition to see if I would get in.

When I walked onto the stage I heard someone talking. "I heard Lui is writing a Love song for a girl. And that He's going to sing it for the Talent show. Its gonna be me!" A girl said. I recognized that voice.

Alex Sierra. The most popular girl in school! She had a crush on Lui. "I don't thinks its you..." Another voice said.

Mackenzy Alvarez or also referred to as Fox. Really nice only mean when people accuse her of something. She's friends with Alex because they've known each other since 3rd grade.

"You think its you?" Alex asked Fox. "I didn't say that!" Fox said. "Find out who its for" Alex ordered Fox. "You know what? Do it yourself" Fox said walking out. She looked at me then back at Alex.

I was going to play guitar. I quickly did a little part and left. I got the Email and it said I was in!


School had just ended and Everyone did their acts including me. The last one was lui.

He was playing the Guitar to start his song. "Hey Y/N. How you doing now? I bet you forgot me after these years...But I won't forget what we've been through..."

I smiled a bit in surprise that I was the girl!

"Hey Y/N. Remember all that fun we had when we were younger? Remember all the games we used to play? With little Ryan, Kenzie, Evan, and Mini? I know I haven't spoken to you for a few years but...Remember Luis still here" Fox came out with a mic.

"Okay hold up! You might not hear me correctly but Were still here! No matter what happens we'll be Here. Y/N listen to me These words that I say are still the same. Ryan's still Funny, Evans still tall, Mini still your Brother, Luis still your lover, I'm still Sane going crazy everyday I see you and all of us part away" Fox rapped.

"Lui was to shy to speak to you again. We don't talk like before. We've all got these groups that we can't escape but...You still hold that special place in you ex lovers heart" She rapped.

"Look I know you don't understand this but...Remember when you need a shoulder...I will be here! Please Y/N remember what we've been through..." Lui sang.

"Ho-Hold up okay so we've all changed. Maybe we could all change? Just because I'm wearing Makeup and a dress down at mean I'm still a discrace. Just because Lui isn't a nerd down at mean he doesn't do school work" Fox Rapped.

"You wanna know how this happened? Well this guy saw me and said hey. I asked who he wams and he said 'you don't remember me?' It took a few days but I finally remembered him...He wanted this to be a special day. He had hope still has a but but the rest is broke! Look from side to side. You see all these kids that we grew up with and how much they've changed from side to side" She rapped ending the song.

Lui looked at me and got off the stage. "Will you go out with me?" He asked me. I smiled and hugged him. "Of course" I said. Their were alot of claps in the audience. Lui grabbed my hand and raises it high.

We smiled at each other. "Nice song" I said he chuckled. Fox jumped off and landed on some guy with Hazel eyes. "Ryan!" She screamed and hugged him.

I was shocked and Lui chuckled because They were on the floor hugging. "I ship it..." I said to Lui. "Same" We high gives and left school. Oh and Lui won!

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