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|Y/N Pov|

I called my friends asking if they wanted to hang out. "Can't, have a date with Meghan" Amber said. "Kristin and me aren't in state" Kayle said.

"We can hang out" Grace said. She was a girl I hated. "Fox told me we would hang out alone...sorry" I said and Fox hummed in response.

"Oh well...Talk to you later" Grace said disappointed. "Yeah bye!" I said hanging up.

I walked to Fox' house. I knocked on the door and a light brown guy opened. "Can I help you?" He asked me.

He was cute. "Umm...is Fox here?" I asked him. He nodded and moved to the side to let me in.

I walked inside and see the Ombre haired girl coming down. "So Y/N, This is Marcel. He will be joining us today" Fox said.

"Oh its...Fine" I said shrugging it off. "So what where you guys thinking?" Fox asked us.

Marcel smiled and we looked at him. "Lets go to six flags!" He screamed. We agreed we would go to six flags.

"I'll drive!" I said grabbing the keys. "Nope!" Fox said taking the keys back. "What why?" I asked her.

They glared at me. "You almost killed me, and Kristin!" She said. I remember that. I drove into a tree.

"I killed that tree" I murmured. We walked to the car getting in. Fox drove to Six Flags.

Fox' been on Every ride. They told me Goliath was awesome but I was scared.

It went around fast then did it all backwards. "Okay so What ride first?" I asked them. Marcel and Fox looked at eachother and smirked.

"Goliath here we come!" Fox and Marcel screamed running into the park dragging me with them.

We made it inside after the security thing. "Okay so Goliath will take a little longer to go on...Why don't we go on mind eraser?" Fox asked us.

We agreed we would go on Goliath after a few rides. Mind eraser was fast and Fox couldn't breathe at the start when it was going down.

We decided to split up. Me and Marcel and Fox with her friend Jay.

Jay came to hang out. He was flirting with Fox every second. Fox told him she had a boyfriend but he didn't believe her.

Jay was cute, he had brown hair and blue eyes. Fox was polysexual. She likes Bryce, Ryan, and Luke.

Marcel grabbed my hand pulling me to a ride. "This shouldn't take long" He said and I saw the big green ride. I looked up seeing the ride that went one way then did the exact same thing backwards.

Goliath. I gulped and he dragged me into the line. "Hey guys!" I heard Fox Yell. I turned around to face her. I saw Ryan, Bryce, and Luke walking with us.

Jay was in the background and rolled his eyes. "I see you got your boyfriends" I said. She blushed and hugged Bryce.

"Okay so...Jonathon and me went on this but how many seats?" Fox asked obviously hoping to have The guys with her.

Me and Marcel got into the train and I was shaking. Marcel grabbed my hand making me blush. "It'll be okay..." He assured and I calmed down.

The ride started as it went back and stopped. It soon started up again going forward. I screamed in fear.

On the first Tower the fide suddenly stopped. "There is a problem..." Fox said. I was scared and closed my eyes.

"Calm down..." Marcel said squeezing my hand. I sure as he'll wasn't calm we where on the first tower. We still have to go on the second then back!

Suddenly the ride started moving going back to the post. Every one was confused. "There's a malfunction with Tower two. We can't have you ride on that, the ride will be closed until further notice" The woman said letting us out.

I held onto Marcel. I hate rollercoaster. "I told you we would be okay..." Marcel said kissing my forehead.

I blushed and looked at him. He looked at me wide eyed and realized what happened. I leaned into the taller male.

Inch by inch getting closer and closer. I had enough. I closed the gap between us and passionately kissed him.

To my surprise he kissed back. This was a long and passionate kiss. We pulled away to breath. "I love you Marcel..." I said sounding like a cheesy movie.

"I love you to..." He said. "What the fuck?! You met a few hours ago and you love eachother! What kinda movie is this?" I heard Fox ask.


This story was based off of the first tower malfunction of Goliath. I changed it to the second.

But me and Kayle have been on every ride. I kept a serious face for them all.

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