<A Wild Trip-SmiiLadd{2}>

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Once we made it to Tyler's we left our stuff there because we wanted to get to know each other in person before we went to the hotel.

"Hey guys!" Kelly, Tyler's girlfriend said smiling at us. "Hi Kelly it's so great to finally meet you! I'm Y/T/N!" I told her. She smiled and pulled me into a hug. "Y/N!" She said smiling.

We all talked for a bit before Craig pulled me away. "Wanna record a quick video with me?" He asked me. "What kind of video?" I asked him. I sure as hell wasn't gonna show my face. "A gaming video." He told me. "What gam-" "Csgo." He said pulling me to the recording room Tyler, apparently, told Craig he could use.

We played and soon it was the end of the day. Me, Lucas, and Craig were sharing a hotel room. Tyler drove us to the hotel as fans noticed Craig. I got a little jealous when one girl, who was about 20 years old, kissed Craig on the cheek for a picture. I felt an arm go around my shoulders causing me to blush knowing very well it was Lucas. I looked up seeing the blushing Canadian. I chuckled as we got into line and got our room card. Me and Lucas waited for Craig to finish taking pictures before we went to our room. I was talking to Lucas forgetting about Craig as the elevator stopped and we left and found our room. As soon as Lucas opened the door I was inside and on one of the beds. We had a couch so everyone would have their own place to sleep. “Sweet relief!” I exclaimed. I heard Craig chuckle. “Tired?” My roommate asked me. I blushed feeling him pat my head. I pushed his hand away and nodded. “Next time bring your stuff in and take off your shoes.” Lucas said. I quickly sat up and took my shoes off. I stood up grabbing some pajamas and walking to the bathroom changing.

<Craig P.O.V>

As soon as Y/N walked into the bathroom I turned to Lucas. “You like her don't you?” I asked him. A blush appeared on his face as he nodded. I sighed and closed my eyes, “Yeah...I  can tell by the way you look at her. But...I like her too.” I told him a bit of heat rising to my face.

“Is she gonna have to...make a decision?” Lucas asked me. I shook my head, “No, she won't have to choose. I know she doesn't like either of us like that. You can tell by the way she looks at u-” The bathroom door opened and Y/n appeared in pajamas now. She sat on a bed and grabbed her phone blushing. “Why-” “Brian asked me out.” She said smiling at us.

“What are you gonna say?” Lucas asked her. She still had the brightest smile. “I'm saying yes. I've had a thing for him and I'm so happy he feels the same way!” Y/N said the smile never leaving her face. Me and Lucas gave her forced smiles.

“Great…” We both said simultaneously.

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