Tagged A/N

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Got tagged by BasicallyMe36

Okay so...

10 facts about you

1 Your Nickname
2 Your Eye Color
3 Your hair color
4 one fact about you
5 favorite color
6 Favorite place
7 Favorite Celebrity
8 Favorite Animal
9 Favorite song
10 Favorite book

Okay! More information than I'm used to but its fine.

1 My Nickname is Kenzie

2 My eye color is black

3 My hair color is Brown

4 I have Visual Snow

5 My favorite color is Arctic Blue and Russet

6 I like Atlantic Cith, New Jersey

7 Don't have one

8 Arctic Fox and white Tiger

9 My name Is Alexander Hamilton!

10 Warrior cats Long shadows

Okay I will tag...






That's all! More one shots coming soon and GoodNight! (Even though I'm staying up)

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