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<Y/N Pov>

I walked around school looking for Hanna but no use. I finally found the blonde but...she was with a Blue haired girl.

"Hanna...?" I asked her. She turned to me and glared at me. "Oh its you"

I was confused. "Maybe you should just go" She said as she walked off with the popular girls.

I sighed as I started heading home. "Hey Y/N wait up!" My best friend Luke called. I smiled at his voice. "Hey" I said looking up seeing Luke and mines faces inches from touching.

I pusged away blushing. "S-Sorry..." I said. "Its...Its alright"

We walked to my house. "Bye Toons" I said. I called him Toons because he watched A lot of Cartoons.

I sighed as he left. I walked inside immediately seeing my father. "H-Hi-" "Shut up" He said smacking me. "What did I do?" I asked him my cheek burning.

"Your a useless child...You were the mistake" He said walking away from me. I felt the tears. I dropped my bag and ran to lukes house.

I frantically knocked on the door but it never opened. I said down the door crying. I heard the door open as I fell. I smiled at lukes face.

I jumped up and hugged him. "What...?" He asked not continuing I saw him look at my arms and saw bruises. "What....? Who did that?" He asked me.

"My...My dad...He abusises, me tells me I'm a mistake" I said crying into his shoulder.

"You can't go back there."

"I have too...He'll find me and hurt you...I can't have him hurt you." I said. "Don't worry about me. You aren't going back. You'll stay with me" He said pulling me inside as he closed the door.

"I will protect you...and I will stop this abuse"

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now