I know you...-H2O Delirious

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|Y/N Pov|

I sighed crashing onto my bed and looking at the old photo. I smiled and looked at my senior picture.

I had all my friends. I'm 29. The guy to the left of me in the photo is Jackson. The person to my right is Kayle and Fox. Then the guy carrying me in Johnathon.

I've known him longer than anyone else. Well other than Luke. Me, Luke and John did everything together because we met in 2nd grade.

Except John and Luke left after graduation. I sighed thinking about where my old friends would be.

I got off of my bed because me and my friend Craig where going to get some coffee. Craig is my neighbor.

Were really good friends but I do complain about the noise he makes. He screams alot. "Hey Craig!" I said once I left my house.

Our other neighbors got mad at him for leaving his porch lights on. He showed me the note. Welcome to LA! Welcome to the worst place to be...at least for me.

"You ready?" He asked me. I nodded and we began walking. "What do you do for a living?" I asked him. "Well...I make...Videos for a living" He said.

"So your a Youtuber?" I asked him. He nodded. "Okay who do you play with?" I asked him. We both played video games.

"Well I umm...Play with Vanoss, Wildcat, DaithiDeNogla, CaRtOoNz, H2O Delirious..." He said as we made it to the Starbucks.

Craig took his phone out. "Can you answer this? I have to order" He said handing me his phone. I answered the caller saved as H2O Doofirious.

"Hello?" I asked bringing the phone to my ear. "Is Craig there?" The familiar voice asked me. "He's doing something now" I told the man.

"Well can you pass him the phone?" The man asked me. I graoend and gave it to Craig. "Hey!" Craig said happily.

"Ok...Okay....Sure. See you then" Craig said hanging up. "Hey Y/N would you like to meet my friend?" He asked me. I thought for a second then smiled. "Sure" I said.

"Kayle!" I hear the barista call. "Craig!" The barista called after a brown haired girl grabbed her coffee. Me and Craig walked to the barista named Mackenzie.

"Here you go" She said handing Craig his coffee. She looked at me and stared at me curiously. "Hmm..." She hummed.

She looked like an old friend. She shrugged and walked back to make another coffee. "What was that about?" Craig asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know...But alot of people went to LittleBrook high so..." I explained to him. He nodded.

"Okay so my friend needs me to pick him up...Can you drive me to the airport?" He asked me. I nodded as we made it to the car.

I drove to the airport and parked. Craig and me got out and went inside. I saw a few familiar faces.

I saw a man with blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean, he had Black hair and had a scar over his right eye.

He looked around and saw Craig smiling. He walked over to Craig. "Hey Mini" He said. "Wow...Isn't Luke the only persons up has seen your face?" "From YouTube yes" The man said.

"Oh! Y/N meet Johnathon" Craig said. I slightly waved at him. "Where did you get that scar?" I asked him. "Well...I had an abusive childhood" He told me.

"I had an old friend who had a scar like that...He looked like you...but he left me" I said looking down. "Oh..." "Well lets go!" Craig screamed. "Craig!" Me and Johnathon screamed as we ran towards him.

We went back to the car and I drove us home. "Okay Craig I'll see you later...Oh and get out" I said. Carig got out and So did Johnathon. They went to Craigs house.

I parked my car and went inside. I sat on my bed looking at the familiar faces. Craigs Snapchat was Miniladd so I checked out what he posted.

Johnathon was in one of them playing games. I compared the pictures of the Johnathon I once knew and the one that was staying with Craig.

The same face...Except the one that was staying with Craig looked a little older. I stared in shock.

I ran to Craig's house and frantically knocked on the door. Craig opened the door. "Wha-" "Where's Johnathon?" I asked him. "In my gaming room" He said.

I ran up to his gaming room and saw a terrified Johnathon once I opened the door. "What the fu-" "Look at this" I said handing him the photo.

He looked at it. "I remember this!" He said. "But how did you get it?" He asked the curiously. "Where's Luke?" I asked him. "In North Carolina" He told me.

"Your an idiot. Kayle, Fox, Jackson! Luke, You! This is Our Senior picture!" I told him. "I...don't follow" He said. I groaned in annoyance.

"John! Your carrying me!" I screamed not taking his stupidity. "Oh! I know" He said laughing. "That laugh always gave me the chills..." I said as his laugh sent shivers down my spine.

"Wait...You knew?" I asked him. He nodded and chuckled. I looked at him with playful hatred. I playfully punched his shoulder. "Idiot" I said hugging him. "Okay you guys just met..." Craig said walking in.

"Craig meet my childhood friend..." I said smiling. "Delirious...What?" He asked confused as hell.

"We've known eachother since second grade. But we parted away when him and Luke moved away" I told him.

He nodded. "Well...Video games any one?" Craig asked us. "Yeah!" I said smirking. "I'm gonna win!" I said. "No your not in the best ninja defuser, so I'm gonna win!" Johnathon said.

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