Chosen pair-Wildcat

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I was going to a school for powers. I honestly didn't believe that shit...atleats not now.

I made it to the school it looked average. I soon see people going through the halls on water, fire, and other things.

I went to the main office to sign in to see what this was about. "Ms
Y/N L/N. Do you know what your Element is?" the principal Mr Thompson asked. "No sir..." I said seeing a girl come in. "Craig we need your help Justin burned the fire proif water room. Funny right?" A girl asked.

"Oh okay....Y/N your guide will be our Senior Wildcat he will come shortly" He said walking to the girl. A male with Blonde hair came in. "Did Craig tell you about the pair thing?" He asked me. "No..." "Oh well my name is Will and the pair is a couple who will be chosen to be together forever" He explained.

"We have a few. Mr Mcquaid, Ms Alvarez, Mr Wrecker, and Mr Patterson were the last chosen pair. Yes their was four people" He said. I nodded and see a guy with blue eyes come in.

"Wildcat this is Y/N" The girl who I presume is Ms Alvarez came in to tell him. "Nice to meet you" He said smiling at me. I blushed because he was really cute.

"Nice to m-meet you to" I said stuttering. "Okay so...I will show you all your classes and all that" he said showing me around.


This day was now over. I saw all my classes and learned I'm an Element that has to do with Acid. Pretty cool huh? Well I also learned from Ms Alvarez that The pair is chosen on day two of the school year.

I got ready for school and walked their. Today everyone had to meet in the auditorium to see the last four chosen pair to tell us who the new pair will be.

I saw Wildcat and we sat next to each other. Ms Alvarez, Mr Wrecker, Mr Patterson, and Mr Mcquaid stood on the stage.

"So we've made the decision of making this pair a pair of two. Wildcat will be in the pair with Y/N. They may have only met but we could te they already had strong feelings. Wildcat, Y/N please come to the stage" Ms Alvarez said.

Me and Wildcat walked onto the stage. "If you guys need to learn more about this just ask us" She said smiling at us.

I blushed because I had feelings for Wildcat but I didn't know he liked me. "So...This is cool" He said breaking the silence.

I wrapped my hands around his neck. I pressed my lips onto his and he kissed back. I pulled away and smiled at him as he did the same.

"Best school ever..." I Said to him. I heard awws and we forgot we were at school.

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