Sister, Sister-CaRtOoNz

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Now the title and most of this is like the book but a different universe where instead dog Clare being the main Character Y/N is. This will also be different from the actual should read the book tho.


My mum stared in horror from the newly delivered news. We had just gotten News that Alice was gone.

"Wait then...Who is the girl who's been with us?" Mum asked me. I had trouble finding the right words but intead I went to my office to find Tom.

I suddenly knew who the girl was...Martha. I knew she wasn't Alice. "So you want me to make trouble between Clare and Luke? Is that it?" Martha asked. I could see who the other person but the next voice gave it away, "Yeah, that's it." The voice I knew to be Toms said. I heard them talk about a little 'plan' to break me and my husband up. I ran home to find Luke recording. I wanted so bad to explain the situation but I just...I couldn't. I tried so hard but nothing came out. "Babe? Y/N" Luke asked. I ran off and remembered everything 'Alice' had told me. I needed to find Roma so I could find out more about Martha.


Alice is gone. And I don't mena on vacation but Dead. Tom had died after trying to get me with him. I couldn't handle it. Martha had tried commuting suicide. I sighed as someone I knew was Luke walked up to me. "Mr and Mrs Patterson?" The man who had held the funeral asked as he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Sorry..." I mumbled looking at my Mum who was crying. I felt bad...After all these years of looking for Alice this is how we found her...Dead.

"Mum I'm sorry. Are you okay." I said looking at her glossy eyes. Luke put his hand on my mums shoulder. "I will be..." She said.

Had to cut this short because I didn't wanna add to much detail that was in the book, nor did I want to make it exactly like the book. But look for the book Sister, sister by Sue Fortin because its an absolutely amazing book.


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