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                       Y/N pov

School was being boring and I got a text.

'Hey Y/N come outside' B/F texted me. I asked it I could use the bathroom and left the class.

I see the F/H/C girl standing at the entrance of the school. "Hey lets go" She said. I never skipped class but Math was boring me so why not.

As we walk around the forest I hear rustling. I turn my head to see a moving bush. I approached the bush to have a bunny jump out. "Gotta go!" The bunny said transforming into a masked Omega man.

"H-Hey wait!" I screamed running after him. As I was running I fell. I screamed loudly as I fell down a hole. I covered my face waiting to die.

But I didn't die I uncovered my face and looked down. I was slowly going down.

I soon got down and looked around. I see a very small door. I wouldn't be able to fit through that. "Am I dead?" I asked myself.

I see a bottle that says 'Drink me' I grabbed it and Drank it hoping to die. I closed my eyes then open them to see I'm alot taller than before. I see a key on the table. When was their a table? I questioned.

I grab it and see a cookie probably full of drugs that says 'eat me' Once again I ate it hoping to die.

I seemed to slowly be going closer to the ground. I shrunk..."Am I on Drugs?!" I asked as I put the key into the small keyhole.

I open the door to find a strange world. I go through the door. I walk around hoping to find the bunny or something. "Gotta go!" I heard the Bunnys voice say from behind me.

"Hey wait up!" I screamed following him. He turned into the human version and I tackled him. "Why am I here?" I asked him. "Your Y/N right?" He asked me and I nodded. "Names Ohmwrecker and your here because we need your help" Ohmwrecker said.

"We?" I asked getting off of him. "Follow me" He said and started walking to another place with me following.

We make it to a table and I see a little mouse, a cat and a man. "Ohm! Join us! Oh and you must be Y/N Nice to meet you!" The man said walking to me and Ohm. "My names Delirious" He said bowing making me snicker.

"So Y/N I presume Ohm told you why your here" He said. I shook my head making him Dramatically gasp.

"Well we need your help with the prophecy!" He said. "Okay look...I need to get back to my friend and I'm 90 percent sure I'm high" I said. Delirious shook his head and looked in a direction. I looked in that same direction.

"No he's probably high" Delirious said as a man is vaping. "John stop!" Ohm said. Honetsly Ohm seems like the only one who isn't insane. "I'm late! Gotta go!" He said and turned into the bunny running away.

I stand corrected. "So will you help us?" Delirious asked me. I slowly nodded. "Great!" He screamed taking me to a seat and giving me tea. "What th-" "Its Tea Time!" He said giving me sugar.

This was going to be Insane...

Thanks for 1K reads! I will be choosing 3 people to be in another story I'm making! Comment down below if you want to join!

Ohm, and Delirious:Follow, Vote and Comment!

John:And Vape!

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now