Children of the Night-Basically

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|Y/N Pov|

I walked towards the light seeing the cops fly across the sky. As I had my mask on I saw Marcel rin by. We were the Children of the night.

I'm 12 while Marcel is 14 we lost our parents in an accident so we only go out at night. We've always been good kids...We just never had a good start.

"Marcy!" I screamed as the cops started following us. "Y/N hold on!" Marcel screamed as he turned around. He grabbed my hand as we ran past the cops. I heard an explosion.

I fell back and groaned in pain. Marcel helped me up and we ran in the opposite direction.

"Come on...Folow me" He said as we walked through an alley. "Marcy...I'm scared" I told him. He came towards me and hugged me. "Y/N...No matter what happens in the future...we will always be Children of the night" He told me.

I nodded and we went to our tree house. Before my parents died and I met Marcel, My mom build me a tree house. That's where we live now.

We made it back home. I sat down on the old couch we had there. "Marcel...Where do you wanna do with your life?" I asked him. He shrugged.

"I-I don't know" He stuttered out.


I walked through the LA streets. I heard this song. "Come little children...I'll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment. Come little children the Times come to play. Here in my garden in my garden shadows" I sang.

This reminded me of my childhood. As I was thinking I ran into a guy. "Hey watch it" He said. "You watch it!" I said and kept walking.

He had light brown skin and reminded me on someone...

I went to the tree house I once called home. "...Come little children. I'll take thee away. Into a land of enchantment. Come little children the Times come to play, here in my garden of shadows..." I sang holding my old teddy bear.

"Come little children..." I heard another voice sing. I went to look out the window of the small tree house and saw the man I walked into.

He wasn't aware I was there. "No matter what..." I said.

|Marcel Pov|

"...We will always be Children of the night" I ended looking up at the tree house. It was time to say goodbye to everything I once knew.

I took put a paper from my pocket that had a drawing of me and Y/N. In this I was 14 and she was 13.

I sighed getting up and walking home to my fiance. I loved Simone. We where getting married today so I had to get ready.

I went to the wedding spot and got into my tux. I went to the alter and see every one there. I started talking to my best man when it went dark.

When the lights came back on I saw Simone in a gorgeous White dress. I smiled as she made her way to the Alter.

|Y/N Pov|

I walked past a big white place where people would have weddings. I looked through the door seeing a drawing on the floor. I picked it up and realized....I drew this.

I looked at the couple and saw the black guy. That's when I knew..."Marcy...?" I asked myself and everyone turned to face me including the girl he was about to Marry.

I felt the tears start to form. I loved him and I didn't remember but this broke my heart.

I stared at Marcel in the eyes. I looked around the room and started running in another direction.

I made it to the top of a hill. I saw a single tree and sat in front of it. I leaned back so my back would touch the tree.

I looked at the drawing. "And we will always be...Children of the night"

I said taking the lighter and lighting the drawing on fire. I sighed. "Not anymore...You can do this alone" I said and let the drawing burn on the ground.

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