There For You

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Adam's POV:

We went upstairs to Tommy's room and I closed the door shut. I lay Tommy in his bed and I lay next to him. He clutched onto my shirt and sobbed. We sat up and I held him in my arms.

"Its okay baby." I said as I rubbed his back.

"Pl-Please." He whispered as he shook.

"Please what?" I asked.

"D-Don't leave me!" He yelped. "Please! Luis is lying! I didn't like it! I didn't enjoy pleasuring those strangers! I didn't like showing off my body!" He trembled a lot as he explained.

"No honey." I said as my arms tighten around him. "I know he was lying. I will not leave you."

"I'm scared." He whispered. "O-Of  being alone." His grip on my shirt and looked up at me. "Please Adam. You're the only one I can trust. Please Adam, don't leave me. I-I know I'm a mess. I know I'm a fuck up. Just don't leave me." He buried his face on my chest.

"Don't think like that." I said and he duck his head. "Hey look at me in the eyes." He slowly looked up at me, his chocolate brown eyes big and brimming with tears. I rubbed his cheek and pecked his lips. "I would never, EVER plan to leave you."

"Pr-Promise?" He asked in a whisper.

"I promise." I whispered. "Let's lay down in your bed, okay?"

"Mhm." He hummed and we gently lay down on the bed. "I love you."

"Me too." I said. "Take some rest."

"Okay." He said as he closed his eyes. I rubbed his back, but he whimpered. I smiled and took a deep breath.

"Cause if I wanted to go I would be gone by now, but I really need you near me to keep my mind off the edge..." I quietly sang to my Glitterbaby. "If I wanted to leave I would have left by now, but you're the only one that knows me...better than I know myself..."

"Keep singing." He whispered. "Sing me to sleep."

"Okay sweetie." I whispered. "We can escape to a higher Nirvana stay...where the dreamers lay...I'll lay you down, lay you down. Safe on a higher Nirvana stay...where the dreamers lay...I'll lay you down, lay you down..." The bedroom door opened and Mrs Ratliff entered the room.

"Is he asleep?" She asked in a whisper.

"Yeah." I said. "Where's Luis?"

"He and his uncle left." She said. "I'll leave so he can sleep."

"Okay." I said and she left. I looked back at me my boyfriend as he peacefully slept. He was so perfect, no matter what happened in the past. I pulled him closer to me and he shifted to face me. Tommy clutched my shirt and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Me too." I said and closed my eyes.


Tommy's POV:

I had woken up and smiled when I saw Adam sleeping next to me. He was so cute when he was sleeping. I kissed down his neck and after a few seconds he quietly moaned. His blue eyes opened and I smiled. He smiled back.

"Hey baby." He said as he reached his hand out and stroked my cheek. I smiled at his soft hand. "How you slept?"

"Good." I said. "You?"

"Okay." He said. "Feel better from yesterday?"

"Yeah." I said. "You helped me. Thank you Adam." Adam smiled as he sat up.

"No need to thank me, Glitterbaby." He said. "I'm your boyfriend and I'm suppose to do these things."

"You have no idea how much I love you." I said. He smirked and pecked my lips.

"I have a pretty good idea." He said and I blushed a little. He chuckled and I giggled. That's when suddenly he tickled me.

"No please no!" I said in between giggles. I squirmed in the bed as Adam and I laughed. He stopped and I ended up cuddling next to Adam. His arms wrapped around my small body. His arms were so strong and it felt like an unbreakable protective wall. That's when Adam's phone started ringing. Adam stood up and grabbed his phone.

"Hello?" He said. Pause. "Oh hey." Pause for at least seven seconds. "I'm at Tommy's house." He smiled at me and I smiled. "Okay...okay...alright, cool....okay bye." He hung up and put his phone in his pocket. He went to my couch and grabbed his backpack.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need to go home." He said.

"Oh..." I said, disappointment in my voice. Adam smiled and kissed my forehead. "Don't be sad baby." He said. "Tomorrow is the weekend. We can hang out at my house this time." I smiled.

"Deal." I said and he kissed my lips.

"That's my Tommy." He said as  stroked my cheek. I smiled. I followed Adam downstairs to the front door and he said goodbye to my parents. "Bye Glitterbaby."

"Goodbye Babyboy." I said and he left my house. I ran upstairs to my room and watched Adam walking home. He had earbuds on him and he shoved his phone in his pants pocket. "Be careful Babyboy." I whispered.

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