Wait A Second, Let Me Catch My Breath

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Tommy's POV:

"Oh God." I said under my breath. How in the world did he come up with that? Adam put down the guitar and smiled at me.

"That was for you." Said Adam as put away the guitar. I swear I could feel the tears making their way down. Adam's smile slowly faded. "Are you okay?" Lisa looked at me.

"Are you okay, little brother?" She asked.

"No..." I whispered.

"Then give him your gift." She said. I shook my head. Tears slowly streamed down my cheeks. No way was I going to give Adam the gift. It wasn't as significant as the gift he gave me.

"Tommy what's the matter?" Asked Adam. My body shook due to the tears. Adam got up and picked me up in his arms. I gripped tightly onto Adam's shirt. Adam's arms wrapped around me in a protective way. "Why are you crying?"

"C-Cause..." I stuttered. "What you sang...was beautiful and...I don't think what I'm about to give you....is as special and...significant...like your song." I couldn't speak due to the tears running down.

"Oh, baby..." cooed Addy. "I love you no matter what and I know I'll love what you give me."

"I hope so." I muttered. Lisa went to Adam, my gift on her hands. Adam put me down on the couch and took the gift.

"Thanks." He said and looked at the present. Tears formed in his eyes. "I know these lyrics."

"Sing them." Said my Dad. Tears ran down his cheeks as he tried to sing them without messing up because of the tears.

"I'm bleeding out, its the last thing that I do, is bring you down, I'd bleed out for you." He sang in between tears. "So I bare my skin, and I count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in. I'm bleeding out. I'll bleed out for you, for you." Adam looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and he ripped the gift wrapping open. He gasped.

"What is it?" Asked Mom.

"Its...its..." Adam said as he looked in awe. He showed us the photo I drew. The people gasped.

"Is that..." Neil started. "Adam?"

"Mhm." Said Adam. "Its so....perfect."

"I hope you liked it." I said. He smiled.

"Its beautiful." He said. "I love it and...what's this?" Adam grabbed the box with the chain I made. He opened it and gasped. "Oh God..."

"Yeah." I said. "Its for you." He saw the names on the heart. "I have one too." I showed him the necklace and he smiled.

"Its so perfect." He said. "I love it. Help me putting it on?"

"Mhm." I hummed and took the necklace. I helped Addy put it on and immediately he faced me and kissed me by surprise. It shocked me, but I gave in. His lips explained how much he loved the gifts.


After we all received gifts, Adam and I went to his bedroom. We were on his bed as we watched Velvet Goldmine. Leila had given me and Adam some more hot chocolate along with a bowl of marshmallows. I was cuddling next to my Addy as I saw the movie. My eyes started getting heavy. I put my drink aside and cuddled closer to Adam. His hand rubbed my arm.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"Mhm." I hummed as I closed my eyes. I felt Adam pull the blankets on us, but a little bit more on me.

"Tired?" Asked Adam. I nodded. "Want to sleep?" I nodded again and I heard Adam humming. "I'm hooked on how you made, me hooked I'm gonna say it straight, I want ya, I need ya: I want you to take me underground. I'm hooked I can't cut you off. In my blood I'm gonna say it now: I want ya, I need ya, I want you to take me underground..."

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