You Should Take My Life, You Should Take My Soul

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School. . .

Tommy's POV:

Adam hadn't come to school because his arm hurt too much, so his Mom let him stay at home. School was okay because of Sutan and Sauli, but without my Addy, I felt so lonely. I put my things in my locker and saw Ms Allen, the drama club leader. She was really nice to me and Adam, she she also knew about my past. 

"Ms Allen!" I called out. She turned around and smiled. 

"Hi Tommy." She greeted. "Waiting for Adam?"

"Adam didn't came to school because of his arm." I said. 

"Ohh.." She said. "Tell him I hope he gets better."

"Will do and Ms Allen, can you do me a really big favor?" I asked and Ms Allen nodded. I smiled. "Prom night is this Friday. Adam can't attend because of his arm and he really wants to come." She nodded. "Is it possible if you could move the prom night to at least the first of May?"

"Sure." She said and I smiled. 

"Thank you so much!" I said and Ms Allen smiled, and left. I went outside to the school courtyard and decided to listen to some music. That's when I scrolled to my gallery. There I had a few pictures of me and Adam. I also had a video. That was when Sutan invited Sauli, Adam and I to Starbucks. Adam hadn't drink cold coffee before, so I recorded him. It was so funny to see his reaction. 

"What are you doing, whore?" Asked a voice. I looked up and saw Tristan. 

"Nothing." I said and stood up. Tyran took my phone and headphones. His other friends pushed me to the grass. "Back away from me." 

"Maybe not." Said Tyran. He got on top of me and started to molest me, making me scream. Tristan and the others recorded and laughed. 

"Stop!" I screamed. "Please stop!"

"He said stop!" Yelled a voice. Tyran immediately got off and I stood up. I smiled when I saw who was here. 

"Adam!" I exclaimed and pressed myself to his chest. He didn't had his cast. "Where's your cast?" He shrugged. 

"Mom said I could take it off for a while." He said and I nodded. Adam glared at the guys. "I do not want you near him, UNDERSTOOD?!" 

"Yeah." Said Tristan. 

"See you." Said Tyran and pressed his hand to my cock. I flinched, he backed away and left. I closed my eyes and Adam kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. 

"I love you." I whispered. 

"Me too." He said. "Let's go home, okay?"

"Okay, but your house, please?" I asked. 

"Sure." He said and we walked home. 


Adam's House. . .

Tommy's POV:

"WHAT?!" Exclaimed Adam. I laughed. 

"Yeah baby." I said. "They moved prom night to the first of May." Adam couldn't believe it. He was too excited. I hugged him and he hugged me back with his one arm since he had his cast on. I'm just glad he didn't had the cast around Tyran and Tristan. Adam would have gotten hurt because of his cast. I pulled him towards me and kissed him. He kissed me back and I smiled at the kiss. My hand slid down from his cheek to his waist, making him moan softly. I smiled and my hand went down a little more. I moved it from his waist to his thigh until I reached his cock. My hand slipped inside his pants and he flinched. I pulled back and Adam smiled at me. He was breathing kind of heavy. 

"You want to tease me, don't you?" He asked. 

"Probably..." I said as I slid my hand inside his pants again while he looked into my eyes and I looked into his eyes. My hand found his cock and I slowly got on top of him. I was a pro at it. I had been forced to do it, but I want to use the talent on someone I love and that someone was here with me. I smirked and Adam only looked at me. I licked behind from his neck, a moan escaping his lips. 


After ten minutes I got off of him. He had fallen asleep. Me? I was just playing with his hair. Adam was the best thing that could have ever happened in my life. He was my saviour. He was my knight. He was saving me in every way possible. 

"I love you Addy." I whispered. "My saviour."

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