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(omg ik I promise it gets better as you read it. like, after chapter four, it's better, I promise)

I fell in my couch as I huffed. I've been working all day. I mean I only have a morning shift at Jitters, but today I had to cover up for Iris because she needed to go meet someone. So I ended up having to work the rest of the afternoon and now here I am, at 9 pm, finally crashing on my couch after a long day, making a small oath to myself that I wouldn't get up.

I broke my little oath and walked up to my window, to see the particle accelerator, so many miles away from my apartment. But it was hard not to miss it because S.T.A.R. Labs is such a big laboratory. I watched as the bolt of energy flew up in the air, in a straight line with no problems. I smiled before walking to my kitchen thinking I wanted mac and cheese for dinner.

I turned on my stove, getting ready to boil the macaroni, before I was jerked forward with completely force, falling over, and onto the ground, and was knocked out.


I heard my phone vibrate next to me, which make me wake up from my unconsciousness. I slowly get up off the floor, my body in pain, as I grabbed my forever buzzing phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" I groggily say as I finally sit up.

"Zee! I've been calling you for hours! Barry-" Iris starts to blab but I cut her off.

"I was knocked out, now what happened to Barry?" I ask

"He was struck by lightening, and we are at the emergency room." She stated trying to sound calm but I could tell from her voice that she was freaking out. But I couldn't believe it.

"Struck by lightening? That's pretty- unrealistic in Central City-" I try, not wanting to believe that something like this could've actually happened. "Are you kidding me? I'm at the emergency room, right now Zee! He keeps flat lining!" She starts to shout but I cut her off. "Okay- I'm coming-" I hang up.

I drive over as quickly as possible, sloppily parking at any parking I could find, probably not the best idea.

I rush through the front doors and quickly made my way over to a crying Iris, and a worried Joe. "Is he okay?" Is the first question that leaves my mouth but am cut off the minute Iris hugs onto me for comfort. I wrap my arms around her and hold her as I watch different doctors rush into the room I assumed was Barry's. Now it's come to my attention that even the unrealistic can happen.

It was like everything was slow motion, as I watched other people being rushed through the huge doors, because of the huge blast that affected most of the city.

But there I stood, holding Iris as she cried, not knowing what had fully happened.

After hours of sitting there, we all decided to go home to get some rest. To my surprise, my car has been towed for a reason I had to end up dealing tomorrow morning. I decide to stay with Iris that night, knowing how upset she was, keeping my emotions back just so I could comfort her.


Everything went by quickly. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, I visited Barry in every piece of spare time I had. Half way throughout him being in coma, Harrison Wells, the man who created the particle accelerator, the man who Barry had been dying to meet, the man who probably ended up causing so many deaths and injuries after his invention exploded into the air.

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