I ran into Star Labs as fast as I could that night, moving as fast as my feet could carry me, the heels of my boots hitting the ground hard as I ran right into the cortex, and up the few steps into the room where Barry was sat, his head snapping up at the sound of my footsteps. Wally's cocoon was laid on the bed, Caitlin looking over the test results and Joe standing next to Wally. Everyone else was scattered around the room also.I skid to a stop, the intense worry for Barry's well being that was in my chest reliving lightly when I saw him, my hand grabbing his face, one resting on his shoulder, my voice quiet, my eyes filled with concern, "Hi- hey- are you okay? I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner, I got stuck at ccpd taking care of things for Joe and-"
"Hey-" Barry holds my wrists, weakly smiling up at me, "I'm fine."
We eventually moved into the room Wally was in, and saw his condition, that wasn't changing. Barry had informed us that the man that was practically the God of Speed, was called Savitar. The real man we were all up against.
I felt complete sympathy for Iris and Joe, knowing there was no way in hell I could ever imagine how this felt like. Eventually, Joe had left and returned completely confused, informing us that Caitlin had told him that Wally was out of his cocoon and awake, when Wally's condition hadn't changed.
We had soon found out that Caitlin had taken Julian Albert hostage, and now we were trying to locate her. I let my hair down, putting the hair tie on my wrist before readjusting my bomber jacket, crossing my arms, as we all stood in the cortex.
"So, they don't know why she took Julian?" Joe asked.
"No, but more importantly, they don't even know that's it's Caitlin yet. So we need to find her, before they do." Barry spoke.
"Savitar. Now what about this Savitar-" HR starts to speak up.
"Let's find Caitlin, then we can worry about Savitar." Barry told him, pulling me into his side.
"You know what guys, I agree with Barry. Lets find Caitlin." HR repeated.
"Okay, you're right. Then we find Caitlin. But then what?" Iris asks, wanting to create some sort of plan before we initiate anything.
Barry lightly shrugs, "I don't know. I mean she's not thinking straight."
"She's becoming Killer Frost. It's just like in the vibe." Cisco spoke up.
Barry shook his head, already denying, not wanting to accept it, "We didn't know that yet."
"Her mother said the more that she uses her powers, the faster she was gonna go." Cisco argues.
"Saving Barry from Savitar must have put her over the edge." I sigh in realization, crossing my arms.
Barry questions, "How do we find her?"
"I don't know." Cisco admits, "I tried to ping her cell and then Julian's, but she must have ditched both."
"Ahem," HR clears his throat, "If I may proffer a notion."
"Oh great, more suggestions from the genius over here." The sentence rolled of Cisco's tongue sarcastically, referring to how HR wasn't a scientist whatsoever and had been just repeating everything we had all been saying since he got here. He was instead a novelist, and the face of what everyone that the science cane from, but instead was from a close friend that didn't want to show. HR had come over here as some sort of opportunity to start over, with a new life, and write about his adventures here in his novel.
"You don't call the genius, the genius calls you. Question: How did you catch your Captain Cold? I've been reading about him in your files, seems like a wily fellow, slow talker. But his MO- strikingly similar to our dear friend Caitlin's." HR puts out a very valid point.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.