"I stared at that newspaper for so many years." Barry was sat on the ground of the Time Vault, staring into nothingness, "First it felt like a guide- you know, like proof that things were headed in the right direction."I looked away from Nora's jacket and at him when he spoke. I dropped everything, pushing my thoughts to the side and walked over to him, dropping gently onto my knees, giving him my undivided attention.
"Then it became a sword hanging over my head." Barry continued, his hands folded, hugging his knees, "A part of me always felt like if I vanish in whatever crisis is coming- maybe I was still out there somewhere, looking for a way to come back to you."
I looked down at my hands, not knowing what to say.
Barry inhales sharply, "According to The Monitor, that doesn't happen."
"Barry, just like you said- you've been staring at that article for years- we all have," I looked back at him, "It's changed so many times- and, the last I remember, that article said that you were in a fight with Thawne, not some cosmic disaster."
Barry stares at me, "The article changed."
"I was supposed to die May 23rd, 2017." I stared right back at my hopeless husband, "So was Iris- but, we've changed the future before Barry. And we can do it again, so tell me, what do we do first?"
Barry nods and sits up a little, pinching the bridge of his nose for the second, clearing his throat, "If a doctor told you you were dying, you'd get a second opinion."
I nod once, "And so?"
"So-" Barry looks at me, "I'm gonna go see this Crisis for myself."
I watched Barry as he walked over to me at the pipeline the next day.
I was dressed in a black shirt, leaving the first two buttons undone, the shirt lightly oversized and tucked into rip-less medium wash jeans, black boots on my feet, my hair straight.
I played with the necklace I have on every day, the small gold lightning bolt against the pad of my thumb, "Barry, are you sure?"
Barry readjusts his black jacket, "Yeah."
I looked up at him, "Where will you go?"
"December 11, 2019." Barry told me, looking down at me, "It's the day after I'm supposed to disappear."
"I don't like that we're not telling the rest of the Team." I drop my hand and cross my arms, "Can we let them in on this, please?"
"No, not until we know the truth, okay?" Barry stepped closer to me and placed his hands on my arms.
I stare up at him, "I don't feel great about you going in there alone, I mean- who knows what could happen?"
"I love you for being worried about me." A small smile formed on Barry's lips as he pulled his hands away and grabbed a clear comm earpiece, placing it in his ear, "I'm not gonna be alone."
"Hello, Barry Allen." Gideon's voice filled my ears, "Preparing for temporal observational protocol."
I was almost surprised, "Is that Gideon?"
"It's a mobile Gideon unit I built from salvaged parts of the plinth." Barry told me, giving me a smile.
"You'll come right back to this moment, right?" I asked, him only nodding, "Right to this second?"
"I promise." Barry assured me, as I sigh deeply, opening up the wall that blocked him from the particle accelerator.
My eyes watched him as he turned to run off, my voice quiet for some reason, "I love you."

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.