"Zee, seriously are you okay?" I hear Caitlin's voice call to me, as I step back, quickly picking up the items I dropped, placing them on the desk where I picked them up. "I'm sorry- I have to go-" I stutter out and grab my coat, immediately stumbling out the room, quickly walking outside.I walk through the streets, slipping on my coat, the cold wind gushing and blowing my hair around lightly. My heels hit the sidewalk loudly as I try my best to quickly make it home, but I knew I wasn't going to make it back right away as much as I wanted to. I was left in dismay when I was picked up, ran to my apartment, and set right at my front door with a blink. It didn't take much to figure out the Flash decided to give me a lift. As much as I didn't want to be around him right now, I knew I was secretly thankful for him taking me home, instead of me continuing to walk in the cold rebelliously.
I hesitantly step into my apartment to face Iris West, stopping in her tracks to look at the door to make sure it was me who walked through, holding two mugs filled with warm drinks, in pajama pants and a t shirt, a smile plastered on her face when she sees me. "I got hot cocoa. I also ordered pizza."
I let my mind forget about what I had just found out and smile at her weakly, "You are my favorite person, Iris West." I close my front door and slip off my coat, hanging it up. There is truly, no one like Iris, and I couldn't believe I got the chance to have her as one of my best friends.
"And I, you. Now go change into something comfortable, I know that skirt isn't doing it for you." She sets both mugs down on the coffee table, grabbing my tv remote, "And what movie?"
"Whatever you want- and I'm on it." I slip off my heels, jogging into my room, also changing into a t shirt and pajama pants. I remove whatever make up I had on then make my way into the living room.
I plop myself onto the couch by Iris, as I snuggle into one of the many blankets that were spread across my couch, laying my head against her arm. "So tell me all about the trouble in paradise." I say, a small yawn leaving my lips.
I feel Iris shrug lightly, as she lets out a breath, leaning back against the couch, grabbing both of our mugs from the coffee table, handing me mine, holding her own with both ones, before speaking, "Eddie's been keeping secrets from me. It's completely obvious and he keeps trying to- dodge away from it whenever I bring it up or flat out deny it right away- but it's clear to me that he is hiding something from me. I mean-" She pauses, "I love him- but one huge part of a relationship is honesty. If he can't fully commit to being honest with me about everything, he's either going to have to tell me the truth, or say goodbye." She finishes, as she hesitantly takes a sip from her hot cocoa.
"Woah woah woah." I sit up, holding my mug, sitting cross legged, letting my blanket stay only on my lower half, as I look at her, "Are you saying that you're going to end things with Eddie if he doesn't tell you the truth?"
"I think I am. I mean- even Barry tried to side with him and talk to me about it. There's something they're not telling me."
Barry. I hadn't thought of him since I walked through that door.
"I don't think it's anything that serious, Iris. Listen- I know. It's upsetting. But you should give it some time. Eddie, he'll come around. I'm sure it's nothing." I lightly nod my head as I spoke, pushing my thoughts to the side, lightly squeezing her arm with my free hand, in a comforting gesture. She gave me a slight smile.
We sat there and continued to watch the movie, exchanging jokes, laughing way too much over the stupidest things and acting like idiots around my apartment.
But then my mind drifted off into thought while we sat and watched another movie.
It all fit together. I don't understand how I didn't figure it out sooner. Barry was The Flash.
Barry kept in touch with Cisco, Caitlin, and even Dr. Wells after he got out of the coma, because he's The Flash. He needs his team, right? The reason, the Flash, always spoke to me whatever chance he got, were the days I didn't get the chance to speak to Barry. The reason his eyes looked so familiar was because it was Barry. It was Barry. The entire time. And I was just too oblivious to put the pieces together.
As more and more pieces of this clicked together in my head, I was snapped out of my thoughts when there was a knock at my door.
"Please tell me the pizza is finally here." Iris is the first to speak, when she gets up before me, jogging to the door, opening it, revealing the pizza guy. I tossed Iris my hand purse, letting her take a few bills out to pay the man, before she takes the pizza and closes the door, opening the box, taking a slice out, dancing around the living room, while taking a bite out of the slice she had just taken out of the box.
I laugh slightly at her, as I sip my hot cocoa, grabbing a slice from the box once she sits down, putting the box down.
There was so much going on in my life, how I managed to piece together that Barry was the Flash, and Dr. Wells was trying to pry his way to bring my past to light, but somehow, being with one of my best friends tonight made me forget about everything and not feel so stressed for once.
It was a relief.
authors note:
I kinda just wanna address that I know that not many people read this book, and not many will because I obviously am really horrible at writing but I'm kinda just happy with what I'm writing and putting out, which means I don't really care how many people read it or if anyone reads it. so, whoever is deciding that they actually wanna read this, thanks for reading something I actually like writing ?

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.