Many things had happened in a span of a day. Too many things for me to process. After Oliver, Thea, Ray, John and Sara were abducted, they some how managed to escape, and had the help to get back here from Nate and Amaya, due to Felicity figuring out where their coordinates were. They had informed us about the weapon they were planning on using, was to exterminate all meta humans, and they reason they chose those five was because they couldn't fight back. Due to them not being meta humans.Meanwhile, Barry, Kara, and the rest of Team Arrow that had stayed back in Star City, recovered some sort of tech. Rene, Curtis and Rory were a great help.
Once we met up with everyone who got abducted and escaped, they had come up with a plan, to go back in time in the Waverider, abduct an alien and well, talk to it.
And that's where I found myself now. In 1951. On the Waverider, with Felicity and Cisco, while Mick, Amaya and Nate were out abducting the alien.
Cisco and I had sorted out our differences, only because I felt completely guilty that he felt this way and I felt as if I was trying to force him to just drop whatever he felt as if it never happened. I sat with Felicity, messing with the necklace Barry had given me way back when, staring at the ceiling, my curled hair hanging down from the top of the chair where I leant against it. I was dressed in a red skin tight plaid skirt, a black sweater, and black heels, a black belt wrapped around the skirt. This wasn't the proper attire to go time travel and kidnap an alien with, but it'll do.
But suddenly, we were running down steps, getting news from the alarms blaring that Mick, Amaya and Nate had been taken along with the alien. Felicity was the first to speak, "Crap, crap- crap. What do you think they're gonna do to them?"
"Those "Men in Black" types are probably gonna take em to a secret lab and run experiments on them-" Cisco explained quickly, "Have you seen "Stranger Things"?"
"Uhm- maybe too much TV, Cisco." I stare at him with wide eyes as Felicity and I followed him.
"Life imitates art, Zee." Cisco looks through different things, "Whether you two like it or not, we're gonna have to be the ones to save them."
"Yeah- yeah yeah. But we're the tech support." Felicity fought back, as I stepped back.
"I'm not." My eyes glow red, as my fists heat up, erupting in flames, my eyes landing on Felicity.
"Neither are we." Cisco opens a case, revealing different types of guns, "This is the tech support. Set your phasers to stun."
"God- this is so cool." Felicity says through gritted teeth, trying to contain her excitement, as I shook my head, a chuckle come from me.
"Y'all call for tech support?" Felicity says when we enter the place they were keeping Nate, Amaya and Mick, standing side by side with Cisco and I.
A scream from the alien next door caused me to mellow out into my non meta human state, my eyes and fists going back to normal as I looked back into the hall, "What the hell are they doing to it in there?"
"So you haven't seen Stranger Things?" Cisco looks at me.
"Cisco. Now's not the time." I told him.
"Great, saved by geeks." Mick mutters.
"For the record, I failed biology twice in high school." I stare at Mick, before looking at everyone else, "Cisco got the Waverider ready to take us back to 2016."
We ran into the hall, but come to a halt when we heard the alien scream once more. "If we leave him here, they're gonna kill him." Nate said.
"So? He's an alien." Mick shrugged.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.