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We stood in the living room of the West Household, as Cisco, Caitlin, and Harry spoke about how we were going to get Wally back and get Zoom, as soon as possible. Cisco and Harry were arguing, and Joe had just shouted, and went upstairs. Barry has his back turned towards everyone, leaning forward onto his hands.

I take slowly walk over to Barry, as I put my hand over his, squeezing it comfortingly, kissing his cheek.

He looks up at me, as I give him a weak smile in comfort, as I step away slowly, and then towards the stairs to go after Joe.

I make my way upstairs, and into the room Joe was in, "You were always there for me. So I thought I'd give it a shot." I said quietly, as I sat down across from him, folding my hands together, looking at Joe.

He stared at the ground, "I know- Barry can't give Zoom his speed. But I also know- that I want my son back- and I don't know what to do."

"None of us do, Joe. But- what I do know- is that- this team isn't going to stop until we get your son- until we get Wally back." I told him, my voice quiet, as I gave him my best look of sympathy.

"I do." A quiet voice comes from the door, as both Joe and I's heads snap towards it, to see Barry standing there, his hand against the frame, "I know what to do."

I go quiet, as Barry walks over, seating himself next to me as he spoke, "Wally- I mean- he's part of the family- he's a part of our family. And we do whatever we have to, to keep the ones we care about safe."

"You want to give up your speed?" My voice comes out weak and whispered, as my hand goes to his shoulder, as he looked down at me, lightly nodding.

"No you- you can't give up your speed." Joe told him.

"That's not your decision." Barry told him, as Joe covers his face, sniffles coming from him. "It's the only way, Joe."

Joe's silence gave us the signal to leave, as i intertwined our fingers, as we walked down the small hall, my voice still remaining quiet, "You're doing the right thing."

"I know." Barry says, his voice low, as he gives me a sly nod, a glossy sheet covering his eyes.

I nod slightly, leaning my head against his arm as he walked, a small sniffle coming from me.


Barry had Cisco vibe to Zoom, letting him know that Barry would give up his speed to Zoom to save Wally. We all stood in star labs, and within a matter of minutes, Zoom ran in, holding Wally by the back of his shirt, everyone but Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and I aiming different guns at him.

"Wally hold on." Joe says, his aim fixed. "Let him go."

"We had a deal." Zoom spat at us venomously.

Barry stepped up, his voice vibrated, "My speed for Wally's life." He spoke, "Hand him over, and its yours."

Zoom shoves Wally towards Joe and Iris, the two of them ushering him to leave, mixing Cisco into the mix and having Cisco take him out of the cortex.

"Lets get this over with." Barry said, his voice no longer vibrated due to Wally's absence in the room.

Zoom reaches back, pulling off his face mask, revealing his face, him being exactly who we thought he was, Jay. A small gasp comes from Caitlin, as my jaw clenched, my entire body tensing up.

We had retreated to the speed lab, Barry's back towards all of us, as I stood next to him, only facing everyone else.

A sigh comes from Harry, "This is how I stole The Flash's speed the first time. Now all he needs to do is run, and his speed force will transfer into this vial, but only as long as I calibrate it."

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