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"This is what I do." Harrison's back was turned to us, staring at the wall as we were down in the sewers where he claimed that he could save Barry, locating Mar Novu, "I don't just solve mysteries, I bust myths- I bust them wide open."

I pulled the sleeves of my sweater to cover my hands and cross my arms, "You said you could save Barry, so elaborate what to you meant."

"Do you know what you're dealing with?" Harrison faced me, "The Monitor, Mar Novu, or whatever he calls himself."

Barry questions from next to me, "Are you saying the Monitor's here?"

Harrison nods once, "That's right."

Ralph slips his hands into his pockets, "You tracked a Multiverse god down to a hole?"

"And he's going to do here what he has done on all these other Earths create fear because the Monitor is a fraud." Harrison calls him out without his presence, "He's a false god."

I place my hands on my hips, "He's a false god?"

"One that I intend to take down, thereby saving your husband." Harrison nods toward me, pointing to the wall behind him, "If my calculations are correct, behind these rocks there's an inter-dimensional portal, and that portal will lead us directly to- Mar Novu."

I looked at my husband, "He's been here all along."

"He has nowhere to run." Barry nods towards me, moving me out of the way, "Back up-"

"Yeah, uh, no." Harrison began when he realized what Barry was going to do, "I wouldn't do it-"

Barry ran to the wall, beginning to phase only to be flung backwards and hit the ground with a grunt.

"Barry!" I ran over to him, as he groaned on the ground, "Are you okay?"

Barry gently nods, coughing a little as I helped him back up, Killer Frost questioning, "Did you know that would happen?"

"Yeah." Harrison stared the obvious, "Look, this is just another one of Mar Novu's tricks."

Harrison continued, "These rocks are infused with Eternium, and that creates an anti-vibrational force field that-"

"No phasing." Barry realized, nodding once.

Harrison points at him, "No phasing, correct."

"Could I- melt it?" I questioned suddenly, "I mean- would it work?"

"That force field will counteract your heat and turn us all into fried eggs." Harrison crossed his arms.

Killer Frost asks the question that we all were wondering, "So- how do we get through?"

Ralph points back, "I've got a jackhammer in my car, so-"

I raise my hand, "I'm really good at hitting things."

"Uh, no." Harrison stops us, "Any contact with the Eternium in this sediment could cause a catastrophic molecular blast- everybody dies."

"No instead, all I need is an artifact, one that will illuminate the Eternium so I can know what rocks to dig around." Harrison looks between us all, "Simple, and I'd know where to find that artifact."


"Oh my god-" I gasp in excitement, covering my mouth as I glanced at the emblem, stood behind Joe's chair, Barry sat on the desk, "Barry, he's going to love it."

"Can I touch it?" Joe picks up the emblem when Barry hums that its okay, "The official Elongated Man emblem."

"He's gonna scream." Joe was smiling himself, "He's gonna be so surprised."

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