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Barry ran me back to star labs, as I immediately went into the bathroom to stall a little; avoid the conversation.

I come back into the cortex once Joe leaves, as I see Barry holding a watch, a smile touching my lips as he puts it on, as I walk over to him.

Barry sees me, and puts his hands on my forearms, staring at me, lightly shaking me, "What were you thinking?"

"When? I did a lot of things tonight." I say, looking up at him.

"When you decided to leave star labs and run out into somewhere super dangerous?" Barry exclaims.

"Somewhere you were." I say.

"Yes, but that's my job." He speaks.

"Well, if he was gonna kill you- I wanted to do something to stop it." I explain, my hands going to his jacket, holding onto it.

"Never, do that again. Please? I don't want you to get hurt." He says to me, causing me to smile a little, "It's okay- I know you'll save me."

"Zee, I mean it." Barry says, a small grin forming on his lips.

"Fine." I agree, as he speaks again, "Why would you basically shield Mardon?"

"Because, I had a feeling that Patty wouldn't shoot me to get to Mardon." I shrug lightly.

"I'm so serious with you right now- I was terrified that she was going to shoot you. Between the two of us, only one of us heals quickly, and from her aim, she was aiming right at your chest." Barry admits.

"Is that why you were shaking?" I ask, as he gives me a sly nod. "I was afraid she would shoot you." Barry admits again.

"Well- I trusted that we'd convince her not to." I explain my thinking process from then, as he lets out a huff, kissing my forehead, then hugging me tight. "Please don't ever do that again?"

"I promise." I mumble, hugging back.

We eventually pull away, as I smile at Barry, "We gonna go to the party or what?"

"Yeah- I just have one thing I need to do." Barry says, as he grabs my hand, pulling me along to where Harry was, but behind the glass, so Harry couldn't hear us or even notice us.

"What're we doing here?" I ask quietly, then go quiet when I notice Barry trying to put things together in his head. His eyes fall onto Harry, as he starts to speak, "I know that you're not him. But he's not here and I have to say this for me. In that video message, you said that that I would never really be happy, and I've been trying- I've been trying really hard. I went out and got what made me happy. I got the girl." He lets out a small breathy laugh, "She brightens up my day without even knowing it."

I realize that he's talking to Harry as if he was talking to Eobard. I stay quiet as Barry glances down at me, then back at Harry. "After what Joe said, and helping Patty, I realize that you're still in my heart. How much I hate you for what you've done." Tears glossed up his eyes, as I wrap my arms around him, hugging him, my head against his chest, as he wraps an arm around me.

He continues, "I don't want to hate you anymore, I can't- can't hate you anymore. I forgive you." I hug him tighter.

Harry notices us, then speaks after pressing a button, "Need me for something?"

Barry shakes his head, "No, no, I'm good. You know, you should come over for Christmas tonight. You shouldn't be alone."

I nod my head lightly, looking at Harry, "It would be really nice if you came, Harry."

"It's a nice offer, but I can't celebrate without my daughter." Harry declines.

Barry nods, "All right."

"We'll get her back, Harry." I speak up, my voice quiet, and singled out, "We'll figure something out- and we'll save her."

Harry looks at me for a second before simply nodding, turning away. His lack of emotion gave me an unease, but I pushed it aside.

And with that, Barry and I leave, and go back to the West Household, for the Christmas party, to spend time with our loved ones.

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