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My breathing was caught at the back of my throat, my expression with a mixture of shock and bewilderment. My eyes slowly trailed from the ring to Barry, who was looking at me with hope threaded in his eyes.

The minute his eyes capture the look on my face, he got up, "Wait a minute-"

My eyes grow wider as he gets up, my mind immediately thinking that he was backing out of this proposal, but I was proven wrong when he runs around the loft, using his speed to get into a black tux, setting candles and flower petals all around the loft, leading up to me, turning down the music slightly, before returning back to his position, staring up at me, holding the opened black velvet box that held the ring in its delicate setting.

"Barry-" I exhale, my eyes looking around the loft, setting my drink down.

Barry speaks up, starting to get up from his position, "Do you want me to add anything else? I could bring you a bouquet of those roses you love so much-"

I quickly set my hands on his shoulders, keeping him held in his position, not allowing him down, "No- no. This is- this is more than enough- I-" I look around, before moving my hands off his shoulders.

Before I could stop him, Barry sped off, and come back, handing me a bouquet of roses, returning back to his position.

"Barry." I stare at him, giving him the impression that he really didn't have to be doing all of this, setting the roses down by my drink.

"Zee-" Barry looks up with me, a small smile on his face, "I've been trying to figure out how to do this for weeks now. I didn't know- how to propose to thee Zee Young, when you never ask for much. There's been so many times where I've come close to proposing- but something horrible happens- and, it continues to be postponed. But tonight, I realized that there wasn't going to be another night for a while- where there was peace, and just the two of us, dancing around our living-room. Throughout our relationship, I have realized so much, and have learned to love you with ever working cell in my body. Every single day, you give me a new reason to love you even more than I already do."

I stared at him, a glossy sheet taking over my eyes, as he continued, "You're the reason I keep up and keep going every day. You're the reason I'm so much more happier. You're the woman who- helps me see the light when I've given up. I love you- so much. More than you could ever know."

Pure excitement ran through my veins, as Barry finally popped the question, "Zee Young, will you marry me?"

"Why did you have to ask me when I'm standing here- looking my worst?" I exhale, a small laugh sounding from my chest, a small tear slipping my eye, as I quickly wipe it away.

Barry starts to get up, but I quickly put my hands on his shoulders, stopping him, leaning some of my weight onto him, "No- no more speeding off. You haven't given me a chance to give you an answer yet."

Barry Allen stays in place, staring at me, awaiting an answer.

I exhale, "Yes- yes of course-"


"Zee, hey-" Barry said as we walked back to the crime scene where Julian and Barry examined the dead body, Joe already standing by them, beating me there by a few seconds, "This one is uh-"

"Pretty ghastly, Detective, I warn you." Julian spoke up.

"That's the body?" Joe questioned, pointing at it, confusion washing over his facial expression.

Barry looks at him, "Yeah, why?"

I stood next to Barry, putting my hands in the back packets of my black jeans, my white sweater covering my hands, "Because he died less than eight hours ago."

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