"As a kid there was a part of the Flash Museum that always scared me." Nora trialed off in explanation, "I guess it's normal for children to be afraid of monsters.""But this monster was different." Nora looked down, "No one knows where he came from, how he got his powers, who he is. All that's known is his alias, and the last sound his victim's hear." She takes a deep breath, "But that's not what makes him scary. What makes him scary is you never catch him."
"We never catch him?" Barry quietly speaks up.
"Supergirl, The Legends, even The League tried, but no one was successful." Nora looked up.
"Probably 'cause he can dampen everybody's powers with that magic friggin' dagger." Ralph said from beside Caitlin and I.
"Not all superpowers are meta-humans though." Caitlin began to reason, "What about-"
Nora cuts her off, already knowing what she would say, "Green Arrow? Yeah, he tried too once, but-"
Nora goes quiet, as Cisco speaks up, "So we're dealing with a meta-human Jack the Ripper. Amazing."
I sigh, leaning my head back against Cisco's arm where he was leaning on my chair, "What else do you know about him?"
"Just that he- he's early." Nora quietly mutters.
Barry instantly questions, "What do you mean he's early?"
"In my history, Cicada's first victim was a meta-human named Floyd Belkin." Nora informs us, "And he never killed Gridlock or Block. They're completely different victims."
"Because the timeline changed." Barry finishes for her.
Nora looks down in guilt, "Yeah, and now they're both dead because of me."
"Okay, there's no telling the ripple effect of this change or what kind of future Nora's gonna return to." Barry stands by Nora, looking at all of us, "We gotta catch this guy fast."
"You mean catch the guy that future us can't catch?" Cisco spoke my mind, "Right, I thought beating The Thinker was hard."
The monitor in front of us beeps, causing me to sit up and Caitlin to address what was on the monitor, "Guys, it's Joe. CCPD needs help downtown."
Barry sighs, "Okay, I got it."
"No, I'll do it." Ralph stops him.
"Are you sure?" Barry asks him.
"Yeah, I got it." Ralph nods, "You guys stay here and deal with the meta serial killer."
Ralph leaves the cortex, leaving us all in silence.
I clear my throat, looking up at everyone, stepping in as my job as Team Leader, "Let's just canvass some crime scenes, interview some witnesses, and see if there's any common acquaintances between Gridlock and Block."
"I have a plan." Nora blurts out.
"You-" I stammer, gaping at her, "You've got a plan already?"
Nora stares at us all, "I know how to fix this."
"So your plan is to contact Herr Wells?" I trail off, stood with Nora, Barry and Cisco in the Speed Lab, my eyes glued to Nora.
I had practically stolen Barry's wardrobe once again, my messy straight hair tamed by Barry's beanie, dressed in a navy blue hoodie of his, his jean jacket on top, one of his watches on my wrist, a pair of my own ripped jeans on, and black converse on my feet, my badge and holster simply resting in the glove compartment of Barry's car.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.