It's been a few weeks since New Years. I've gotten a job at Picture News with Iris, her being overly too excited with my choice of reporting, and us working together. Harrison Wells continued to ask me questions whenever I stumbled upon him in starlabs, leaving me confused and uncomfortable. I had trained with Cisco and Caitlin here and there on most of the things I needed to get down to control my powers, but flying. It's not like I would be needing it anyway. Caitlin had made me a little meta bracelet, that was bright blue, instead of the meta handcuffs, to dampen my powers during the day. Barry and I spoke when I stopped by ccpd to drop both him and joe lunch. I had been getting done my finally studies with the time I had left, and was glad that this was my last semester. I turn in the assignment, letting out a relived breath, putting my hair up into a ponytail. My long hair cascades down my back as I walk into the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water, sipping it.Suddenly, my door flew open, and a light flashed around my living room. My papers flew off my coffee table and the door was slowly closed, a head peaking around the corner to my kitchen, to reveal The Flash. I was honestly concerned about my appearance in front of him, considering I was only in sweats and a t shirt. "What're you doing here?" I say, then continue before he can speak, "And why this time my apartment? You messed up all my papers." I mumble, slowly walking to the coffee table, kneeling on the ground, picking my papers up, that were spread everywhere now that he ran in.
His speaks, his voice vibrated as always, "I was coming to check up on you- I should've knocked But I do like making my entrance."
"Clearly." I continue to gather the mess.
"Here- let me help." He says, getting on his knees in front of me, helping me, putting the papers in my hands when he was done then looks at me.
"Your- eyes-" I start to say, staring into them.
"What about my eyes?"
"They look- familiar." I speak. As soon as those words left my mouth, his face was now being blurred out. I assumed that this was just a perk of being so fast.
"Well- a lot of people have the same features." He mutters then quickly stands up, as so do I, putting my papers neatly on my coffee table, next to my laptop again. His eyes land on the necklace Barry gave me, then he speaks, "Reppin' me now, huh?"
I lightly shrug, letting out a small laugh, "I guess so. I think it's cute," I place my hand on my necklace, "My friend Barry gave it to me for Christmas."
"This Barry dude seems like a nice guy." He crosses his arms and rests them on his chest.
"He is. He really is." I get quiet.
"Uhm- question- I- uh- you haven't seen another speedster around here, have you?" He asks me, keeping his face blurred and his voice vibrated as always.
I lightly shake my head, "No, just you, why?"
"Because there's just- I- It's nothing for you to worry about- I have to go-" He says and with that, he ran out, my papers flying off again, causing me to let out a huff, bending to clean it up for the second time.
I walk into my room and change into a pair of jeans, and a hoodie, deciding I was going to go get some Big Belly Burger. I turn to walk out of my living room, but that is not where I end up. I grabbed, and ran off, first me thinking it was the Flash but to my surprise it was someone else. It must've been the speedster Flash was talking about. But he was in yellow.
He terrified me, I not being able to even muster a word. He stared at me, his eyes glowing red, we were on the top of a very high building and he was holding me over it, also holding the wrist that had my bracelet worn. I let out a shaky breath, then speak, "What do you want from me-"
"Stay. Away." was all he said, as he said, very loud and clear, causing me to flinch slightly. He lets go of me, letting me free fall off the building. I let out the loudest scream, I couldn't tell between my sobs and screams. But then he ran down and caught me, running me to another destination. This being, star labs. We stood in the middle of the cortex. He held me up by my neck, my feet dangling off the ground, air leaving my lungs.
I hear shouts of my name, coming from Cisco and Caitlin, but everyone was silenced by a very loud shout, "Put her down." The Flash had shouted. Fear ran through me, as I was now full on choking. The man in yellow dropped me onto the ground, then ran out, the Flash following after him immediately. Caitlin runs over to me, pulling me up to a bed, doing tests, to make sure I was okay, as I stared at the ground, tears straining my cheeks, my hands shaking, slowly taking deep breaths.
Cisco put a hand on my back, rubbing it as I took more deep breaths, wishing I could just pass out. I had never been so terrified in my entire life, I didn't think this would terrify me so much, I didn't know there was another speedster that would be doing bad instead of good.
We were all interrupted when suddenly the Flash runs in, "I couldn't catch him- he was too fast-" He says, walking over to us, and in a somewhat instinct, puts his hand on my forearm, gently squeezing it comfortingly. "Are you okay?"
"I'm- I am. I'm okay. Nothing to freak out over." I say, wiping away my tears, sniffling, slipping away from everyone.
"Are you sure?" Cisco asks.
I nod, and look at Flash, whispering, a small smile playing on my lips in attempt to lighten the mood, "Give me a lift home?"
I see a grin play on his lips, maybe considering even after I was just thrown off a building and choked to my almost death, I could still manage to try and get past it immediately. He scoops me up, and runs me home, dropping me off, and that night I went straight to bed. I didn't bother changing, I didn't bother grabbing a snack to eat even if I was dying of hunger, and I didn't bother to put my papers and laptop away.
But there was only one thing that stood clear in my mind that I couldn't shake off, or figure out what to do from it.
Stay. Away.
author's note:
ok this was a really bad chapter, cause I decided to put whatever I had in mind together to make this chapter, but I promise it'll get betterrrr.
I just haven't figured out how I want Zee to find out Barry's identity so I'm kinda stuck on that but it's okay.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.