"He better not be pulling a Juliet." Cisco speaks from next to me, as we stood in the pipeline with Harry, Caitlin, Jay and Barry. Barry and Caitlin were crouched in front of the Turtle, who was clearly dead, as the rest of us stood behind.Caitlin and I look at him, as he speaks again, "Yeah that's right. I see plays."
I roll my eyes playfully before looking back at Turtle, the sight of this making me uncomfortable and at unease.
"He's dead, Cisco." Caitlin confirms.
Harry follows up with a question, "How'd this happen?"
Caitlin is quick to answer, "Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." I couldn't process what she was saying, my eyes fixed on the Turtle.
Jay speaks up and this catches my attention, "The night we captured him, how's that for timing?" He looks at Harry.
"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick?" Harry asks, as I look between the both of them, secretly hoping that this wouldn't start another argument between the two, and make their tension worse. "This man, is the key to me stopping Zoom- the key to me saving my daughter, why would I want that?"
"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison." Jay replies.
"That's fine with me, Garrick." Harry shoots back.
Barry steps out and looks between the two of them, "Guys, look. We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box." His voice stern, "I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet. Maybe that's where we should start."
Harry is the first one to speak, "That's a good idea. I'll get on that." He walks away, as Cisco follows, "I'll help."
Barry's phone vibrates, as he looks at the screen and speaks, "I've got to get to ccpd, I'll check in with you guys later." He points to Caitlin and Jay, as I was already out of the pipeline and heading down the hall, as he caught up to me. "Wanna meet up for lunch?" Barry asks me, as I look at him.
I nod, a smile on my face as he pecks my lips, "All right, see you at lunch." He leaves me alone in the hall, heading off the ccpd.
Barry and I's lunch was cut short when Barry had to leave to do some Flash business. He had dropped me off at star labs first, as I stood by Cisco and listened to the whole thing between him and well, the Reverse Flash.
Confusion stroke in all of us, due to Reverse Flash's sudden appearance, considering the last time we saw him, he was vanished out of existence itself.
Barry stood bent over, his head leaning against his fist, his other arm leaning against the railing as he stared into nothingness. I was stood next to him, my back against the railing he was leaning on, my arms crossed, as I looked at him with concern in my eyes. We were in the cortex with Harry, Joe, Caitlin and Cisco.
"You okay, Barr?" Joe asks, as Barry's head snaps in his direction, as he speaks back, slowly standing back up to his full height, "I'm good, yeah. It's just a lot."
"Eddie Thawne died, so Eobard Thawne should have been erased out of existence, right?" Joe repeats everything that had happened so many months ago.
"Not necessarily." Harry speaks up, as everyone's attention moves to him, my entire body turning, as I looked at him, "It's possible that Eobard was in the speed force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and his timeline intact. It's what's known as a "time line remnant.""
"A what now?" Joe asks, speaking for all of us.
"Here, let me show you." Harry says, walking towards the clear white board, Cisco tossing him a marker as he begins to explain and jot out a visual presentation for us, so we could understand better.
He drew a circle, "This- is now. Here, today." He drew a line, then another circle so they connected, then speaks, "This is the time Thawne comes from." He moves, drawing a line on the other side of the same circle, and drew another circle, connecting it, "This is the moment you all erased him from existence. But, since Thawne is from the future-" He drew a line from the first circle, to the last circle, showing connection between where Thawne was erased to his actual timeline, "This is where his timeline begins, that's why he's still alive. This Thawne has not yet travelled back in time to kill Barry's mother. He's here now in this time period for the first time. "Time line remnant."" He closes his marker.
Cisco speaks, "Explains why nothing's changed."
Barry crosses his arms and also speaks, "Yeah, it also explains why he didn't know my name or that we have met before."
"To him, you hadn't. Not until the future." Harry answers.
Joe starts, "If Thawne dies before he can time travel again, will that save Barry's mother?"
"No. That's not how it works. In our timeline, Barry's mother is already dead, and her death is a fixed point. Nothing can change that." Harry replies.
Barry speaks again, "All right, well, I'm gonna end this, him, in this time, once and for all."
"Let's find Dr. McGee first, then we'll figure out what to do about Thawne, okay?" Joe sets down where we should start. "I got to go check on Iris."
Joe leaves, and soon enough Harry and Cisco leave to continue some work in another room. I start to slightly pace, not knowing what else to do with myself, feeling completely useless.
Barry and Caitlin start to have a conversation, as I tune in on it also. Jay was sick, and Caitlin wanted to replace his cells with the cells of his doppelganger on this earth. It was a solid idea.
I eventually leave the room, walking down the hall as I hear footsteps behind me, as I turn and see Barry jogging towards me. I halt and look at him, as he grabs my hands, "Are you okay?"
"I should be asking you that one." I speak quietly as he replies, "Joe beat you to that one."
"You're right." I shrug lightly, as I look up at him. "Zee- I'm serious. Are you okay?"
I stare at him for second, before admitting what was bothering me, "I don't want you to go too far with his whole Eobard thing."
He goes quiet, as I slowly let go of his hands, the sleeves of his sweatshirt I was wearing slipping and covering my hands, as I crossed my arms, "I know how it feels. I know how it feels to be angry- and overwhelmed. I know how it feels to be so upset, that you'll take it too far without meaning to."
"Zee-" Barry tries to stop me but I cut him off, my voice quiet and lightly cracking, "Barry- please. Listen to me- let me finish."
He stays silent, as I start to talk again, "The reason he murdered your mother was because he was angry at you, Barry. I don't want you to be like him- I don't want you to take it that far- because you were so angry and overwhelmed." I speak quietly, letting out my thoughts, as I come to close. "Please- don't be like him."
He stays silent and still for a second, before pulling me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me, holding me tight, as my face nuzzles into his soft crewneck, my arms also wrapping around him, as he quietly agrees, "Okay."
impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.