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"What is all this?" I question, slouched in my seat, sipping my coffee, Barry's hand on my shoulder, as we were seated at the cortex with everyone else, Harry calling us in.

"This is gonna give us the edge we finally need to be smarter than Devoe. Or me to be smarter than Devoe, actually." Harry explains, pulling up blueprints, "Take a look at this."

"What is that?" Cisco questions.

"This is an intelligence booster." Harry points, "You put this thing on Dibny here, and even he would be able to understand the point source construction. You put it on a real genius, I'll finally be able to outthink the Thinker."

"You know what, I'm not sure this thinking cap is the best idea you've ever had." Cisco admits.

"It's an intelligence booster." Harry corrects him.

"It looks like a thinking cap." Cisco rolls his eyes.

Harry huffs, "You don't like it, blame yourself. You gave me the idea. You're the one that said Devoe planned all this just like Thawne in order to stop Barry. And you said that Devoe became the Thinker the same night you became the Flash, and so I hacked into security footage of that night to see how he did it."

Harry types away, pulling up the footage, "This is why he's so smart. Devoe boosted his intelligence with neurochemical engineering powered by the dark energy from the particle accelerator explosion.
And if we build our own, we can do the exact same."

"Wait, you wanna blast your brain with 10 billion joules of dark energy?" Barry repeats.

"Uhm, Harry-" I clear my throat after swallowing a sip of my coffee, "That looks very painful."

"I've harnessed energy from the particle accelerator explosion before, and I can do it again." Harry puts down, crossing his arms.

Caitlin spoke up, "Yeah, but Harry, reengineering your brain's neurochemistry, that's-"

"Devoe did it." Harry cuts her off, "So can I. How many more metas have to die before we finally stop Devoe?"

"Uh. Not me." Ralph holds his hand up, "I mean I say we go for it. Right, guys?"

"What do you think?" Barry looks down at me, wanting my opinion.

"I don't think it's safe-" I admit, "I mean, what if Harry gets hurt?"

"Since when is anything we do safe, Allen?" Harry argues with me.

"I get your point but-" I sat up, "What if this goes wrong and somehow affects your brain? We could lose one of our greatest minds- we don't even know how to fix whatever the effects could be."

"Allen." Harry places his hands on his hips, "This is the only way."

"I say we explore it." Iris shrugs lightly.

"Yeah, I agree." Caitlin nods.

"Ramon." Harry looks at Cisco.

"No, this is way too risky." Cisco sides with me.

"Of course it's risky, but if we succeed, we will save the lives of the four remaining bus metas, including a member of our team." Harry argues.

"You're talking about intense amounts of dark energy going right into your brain, right into that cap, that turned a mac and cheese loving pacifist into a homicidal maniac." Cisco fought back, "You put that cap on, what's it gonna do to you?"

"I've run the numbers dozens of times." Harry says, "The math and the chemistry check out. I can do this."

"I don't think you can." Cisco crosses his arms, admitting his fought.

impossible | barry allenWhere stories live. Discover now