Barry had helped us get Iris settled back in at the West Household faster than we thought.My guest bedroom was back to normal, my place more empty than it used to be after Iris moved in. Barry walks over to me, letting out a sigh, fixing his button up, grabbing my hands.
"My place feels more empty than usual." I say, as he smiles lightly.
"You know-" Barry trails off, "I was thinking about getting my own place."
"I thought you were getting kicked out." I laugh lightly, due to what Iris had told me.
"Well- technically- but also technically not-" He shrugs, "Joe told me I was grown and it was about time I got a place for myself right after I brought up the topic."
"Is that so?" I question.
"Yeah- so I was wondering-" He starts, "If maybe- possibly- if you could find the kindness in your heart- I could stay here until I actually get a place?"
A grin crosses my lips, "I think that'd be great."
"Really?" He smiles, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.
"Yeah-" I laugh quietly, my hands going to his face because of how close he pulled me into him, as he leans forward lightly, causing me to arch my back with him.
He hums before pressing his lips into mine. I melt into the kiss, him picking me up, walking right into my room with breaking the kiss, lightly kicking the door close, laying me back on my bed, pulling away, climbing on top of me.
I grip onto his collar, pressing my lips into his once more, unbuttoning his shirt, his lips breaking into a smile during the kiss.
The light of the moon shined through my window, as Barry slipped off his button up, along with his t shirt, tossing it on the ground, kissing down my neck, pulling the hem off my t shirt.
He pulls away, allowing me to slip it off and toss it by his clothes, his hands moving to my jeans, unbutton them while reconnecting his lips with mine.
The smell of breakfast woke me up the next day, as I slowly sat up, a yawn leaving my lips. I slipped out of bed, dressed in only underwear and one of Barry's oversized t shirts, walking into my kitchen, seeing Barry stood in front of the stove, shirtless, scratches on his back, in only sweatpants, making breakfast.
"Hey-" my voice comes out raspy, my hand touching the wall, my hair slightly messy and tangled, his t shirt fitting me like a dress.
His head immediately snaps in my direction at the sound of my voice, a smile taking over my his lips, his teeth showing, "Hey-"
Within seconds, he ran around the kitchen, setting a plate of breakfast for me, placing it in my hands with a glass of orange juice, before returning back to the stove, my eyes wide at the sudden movement, my eyes flickering down to the plate and back at him, as he spoke, "Blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and cut up fruit- and some oj."
"Well- I've always admired how good of a cook you are." I set down the plate and glass on the table, walking over to him.
"And I've always admired how amazing you look in my clothes." Barry spoke, flipping a few pancakes.
I walk over to him, my hand touching his forearm, "Hey- look at me."
His hand stays on the handle of the pan, making eye contact with me as I put my head on his shoulder, leaning up, standing on my tippy toes, pressing my lips into his.
He kisses back, his free hand on my waist, as I pull away, but not my face, my nose rubbing against his, "I didn't get to do that today."
"Well, I'm glad you did." He smiles, turning back to the pancakes it was making.

impossible | barry allen
Fanfiction[unedited/discontinued] I thought the unimaginable only existed in fairy tales, and stupid redundant television shows. I never knew how wrong I was.